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13 entidades encaminham carta ao Senado sobre nova versão do projeto de lei sobre IA

13 entities send letter to the Senate about new version of AI bill

A group of 13 entities representing the Brazilian productive sector, including ABES, sent a letter to the Federal Senate, requesting adjustments to Bill No. 2338/2023, which is currently being processed by the Temporary Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CTIA). The...

Brasil poderá ficar fora do desenvolvimento de IA, assegura ABES

Brazil could be left out of AI development, says ABES

According to the Brazilian Association of Software Companies, the new text brings improvements, but imposes restrictive measures for model training, harming the advancement of national technology and exports of data center services. The Brazilian Association of...

Nota conjunta dos setores sujeitos à tributação substitutiva da folha

Joint note from sectors subject to payroll replacement taxation

The action filed by the government at the Federal Supreme Court (STF), on April 24, 2024, to question the extension of the payroll tax exemption until 2027, puts the positive socioeconomic impacts of the measure at risk and creates a clear situation of... .

Desoneração da Folha: PL 493/2024 – É Imperativo o Diálogo

Exemption from Folha: PL 493/2024 – Dialogue is Imperative

Throughout 2023, during the processing of PL 334, the Federal Government did not present alternative proposals to the public policy approved by Congress, which is fundamental to the lives of more than 9 million formally employed workers. The Congress...

Manifesto: ABES e 4 entidades de TI reivindicam alíquota reduzida na Reforma Tributária

Manifesto: ABES and 4 IT entities demand reduced rate in Tax Reform

ABES, Abranet, Assespro, Brasscom and Fenainfo have just released a new manifesto on the Tax Reform PL, under evaluation in the Federal Senate, in which they ask that the final proposal have “a focus on the future of the country, in order to bring adequate treatment to the sector of...

Manifesto do Setor Empresarial quanto ao PL 2630/2020 e a LGPD

Business Sector Manifesto regarding PL 2630/2020 and the LGPD

Entities representing various business sectors, signatories of this document, express their concern with the current text of PL 2630/2020 ("PL de Fake News"), in view of the need to maintain the centrality of the General Law for the Protection of ...