Committees and Working Groups

In order to encourage the participation of members in the entity's projects and in the direction of the Brazilian software and services industry, ABES created, in 1995, the Working Groups (WG) which, since 2013, started to use the name of Committees . They function as forums for discussing specific issues related to the sector, presenting proposals and action plans. The functioning of the committees and WGs are guided by an internal regulation established by the association, which defines the best practices: functioning, form of action, results and reports.

On a daily basis, the committees and WGs must maintain a constant communication channel between the membership, the Deliberative Council and the Executive Board.

Contributions from Committees and Working Groups (WGs)

Along its trajectory, ABES has already promoted the creation of several Committees and GTs, such as: Mercosur/External Market, Multimedia, IT in Public Schools, Anti-piracy, Telecommunications and Tax and Tax Matters. They generated work plans that brought great advances and effectively contributed to reducing the operating costs of companies, simplifying the tax framework in Brazil and improving the regulation of the sector.

A great example was the approval of Complementary Law 116, which determined that IT activities should only collect ISS, including the elaboration of computer programs and the licensing or assignment of the right to use software.

New Committees and GTs

ABES is always open to suggestions on topics related to the creation of new committees and WGs. Participate!

BI and Analytics Committee

Initiative aims to stimulate the Brazilian Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics market, which is on the rise, and generate synergistic actions between associated companies. Promoting data literacy is also within the scope of this committee. According to the most recent ABES/IDC studies, companies declared that investments in BI, Analytics, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are on the priority list, opening up an opportunity to bring more relevance to the topic.

Leaders: Cesar Ripari and Érico Aleixo

Future Labor Committee

This committee was created to connect all associates in order to map the converging needs between them and to discuss trends in People Management, in view of the expansion of remote work and automation, the need for new technical and emotional skills of employees, health policies. encouraging inclusion and diversity, among other topics on the Future of Work. This integration forum should also promote a dialogue between the technology sector, public policy makers, professionals in the area of education and human resources, bearing in mind that it is essential to encourage collaboration between various actors in order to create actions that meet growing demand for technology professionals.

Leaders: Ariela Zanetta Simoni and Luciano Máximo

Startups Committee

This committee's goal is to foster the development of software startups, through actions to disseminate knowledge, connect and propose public policies.

download for free the e-book Guide on the Special Rules for Public Procurement, prepared by our Startups Committee. click here.

Leaders: Cassio Spina and Eduardo Felipe Matias

In order to achieve this objective, it is structured in 3 working groups, with different attributions: 

  • Laws and Public Policies: analyze and debate current legislation and public policies and the difficulties of the sector, formulating proposals that contribute to boosting the startup ecosystem;
  • Public Contracts: encourage the hiring of startups by the State based on the new bidding system created by the Marco Legal das Startups, promoting the dissemination of this mechanism through the awareness of public agents and entrepreneurs, seeking to ensure that innovative solutions are adopted for the benefit of society ; and
  • Connections and Relationship: to promote the connection between ABES startups and the other associated companies, for the joint development of businesses, mapping, for this purpose, the activities developed by them and internally promoting their products and services, in order to establish partnerships.
Intellectual Property Committee

Its objectives are to intensify the debate on the topic, in addition to disseminating knowledge, tips and strategies to ensure greater legal protection for members. The environment will facilitate dialogue among participants on market strategies related to intellectual property, covering everything from software licensing, copyright, patents, combating piracy, brand positioning to structuring and breaching contracts, among other relevant topics. Managing intellectual property is essential for protecting a company's computer programs and other intellectual assets.

Leader: Victor Lima

Regulatory Committee

Created in June 2014, the Regulatory Committee aims to discuss regulatory issues of national relevance to the technology and software sector, enabling entrepreneurs and their representatives to participate more intensively in debates around laws, policies and government programs that impact the ICT sector. The committee will contribute to the entity's position in favor of a regulatory environment favorable to market development, a role that is part of ABES's mission.

Among the topics on the Regulatory Committee's agenda are competitiveness, taxation and incentives, regulation of the Marco Civil, Personal Data Protection Draft and the improvement of the Computer Law. The Committee has already played an important role in drawing up the “For a Digital and Competitive Brazil” plan, delivered to presidential candidates and candidates for state governments during the 2014 Election campaign and signed by ABES, Assespro and Brasscom.

The Regulatory Committee, with the support of the board of directors and other committees and working groups, prepares a document called regulatory agenda to present ABES proposals on various topics and guide the strategy in the area of Government Relations (advocacy). Access the page and download the ebook.

Leader: Andriei Gutierrez

LATAM Regulatory Working Group

Monitors and discusses regulatory activities and Latin American panoramas related to AI regulation, cybersecurity, and other topics of interest in the area of information technology. The WG seeks to raise awareness of the challenges and opportunities involved in these issues, encouraging debate and the exchange of knowledge among participants regarding the constantly evolving regulations in Latin America.

Leader: Andriei Gutierrez

Labor Working Group

Its mission is to monitor the legislative and regulatory debate on labor relations, which affect the Information and Communication Technology sector, and propose suggestions for initiatives to improve legal certainty and the business environment in the country. The WG will also deepen the debate on labor relations, due to the large number of existing normative acts and legislative proposals on the subject.

Click on here to download the Good Practices Handbook for Recruiting Young People in ICT.

Leader: Alexandre DePaula and Ana Paula Duarte

ESocial Working Group

Created in December 2020, this WG focuses on discussing the topic, creating and maintaining a dialogue between the association and the government, since ICT companies, in addition to having to deliver data through eSocial, also provide platforms and systems that all companies use. Linked to the Regulatory Committee.

Leaders: Reinaldo Rodrigues, Luciana Miranda and Leandro Ferreira D'Avila

Public Procurement Working Group

Created in October 2020, the ABES Public Procurement WG established as a guideline to present proposals for modernization, simplification, transparency and greater legal certainty in the public procurement environment, based on the interlocution of the association with the Executive and Legislative powers. To this end, the WG plans to: 1) analyze and propose strategies that lead to greater participation by startups, small and medium-sized companies in public procurement, as well as greater transparency and simplification of the processes for the acquisition of goods, services and innovation projects; 3) actively propose public policies for the modernization of the public procurement regulatory environment, including all legal instruments applicable to bidding in Brazil; 3) suggest strategies that include public procurement as a factor that transforms public services, accelerates the digital economy and induces innovation, among other initiatives. Linked to the Regulatory Committee.

Leaders: Ludmar Sant'Anna, Camila Murta and Beatriz Bevilacqua D'Auria

Taxation Working Group

Linked to the Regulatory Committee, the idea of creating the Taxation Working Group, formed in July 2015, arose from the identification of a growing concern for tax issues, as well as the need to involve the entity more deeply in the elaboration of projects that aimed at improving the relevant regulatory frameworks for the sector.

The Taxation WG proposes to study issues related to the taxation of transactions with software and other information technology services, to propose to ABES, through the Regulatory Committee, actions related to the taxation of these activities, in addition to disseminating information, tips or suggestions on the theme for the other associates, a fundamental topic for the good progress of business and the competitiveness of Brazilian companies.

Leaders: Mércia Barbosa

Data Protection Working Group

The Working Group on the LGPD - General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709 / 2018) was created in December 2018, with the aim of deepening the understanding of the law and promoting the debate on its impacts and challenges for the sector, as well as to discuss proposals regarding the future regulation of the LGPD. Sanctioned in August 2018, the LGPD, which provides for the guarantee of privacy of personal data and clearer rules on the processes of collection, storage and sharing of this information, should take effect from the second half of 2020. This standard is applicable all sectors of the economy and provides for severe sanctions, especially in the event of data leakage. Linked to the Regulatory Committee.

Leaders: Daniella Caverni Machado and Francisco Eduardo Espuny

Cybersecurity Working Group

It aims to establish an important space for internal discussions and monitoring of specific regulations, engagement with stakeholders, in addition to promoting the exchange and dissemination of information between members and the most diverse segments of society. Cybersecurity is a theme that cuts across all socioeconomic sectors. ABES understands that it is a priority to foster a safer digital environment that guarantees a successful digital transformation process. WG linked to the Regulatory Committee.

Leaders: Afonso Lamounier, Carlos Sampaio and Carlos Borella

Artificial Intelligence Working Group

Its objective is to deepen the debate on the subject before the launch of the Brazilian AI Strategy (EBIA) and in front of the debates on the regulation of the use of artificial intelligence technologies in Brazil and in the world. In addition, the group aims to unite the members, as well as to position the entity together with the main public and private actors working on the subject. GT linked to the Regulatory Committee

Leaders: Cibele Perillo, Eduardo Paranhos and Rodolfo Fücher

Any associated company can participate in the Committees, open to external entities that are invited by members.

Click on the link below or send your message to*. Inform which committees and WGs are of interest, full name, contact email, name and CNPJ of the associated company of which you are part.

* exclusive for representatives of associates

For more information, contact ABES.

Entre em contato com a ABES - +55 11 5094-3100 - Segunda a sexta - 8h30 às 18h