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Among the different action fronts of ABES are:
Educational: aid in education and awareness of the legislation applicable to copyright, through campaigns, training of enforcement and enforcement agents, participation in lectures, etc.
Legislative / Economic: pleads for reductions in the tax burden and encourages the creation of marketing modalities that make licenses cheaper, in addition to working to improve the laws applicable to the sector, especially with regard to copyright, provides contract models and other documents, etc.
Repressive: catalogs complaints of intellectual property violations, questions users about complaints, supports and discloses legal actions sponsored by its members to combat the violation of their rights, alerts potential violators of laws, among other relevant aspects.
For this reason, ABES brings together several achievements in its trajectory, of which we highlight the main ones: 
  • Monitoring the elaboration of the Software Law and its Regulatory Decree. 
  • Guidance on Program Registration requests with SEI, today SEPIN - Secretariat for Computer Policy; 
  • Follow-up of the Similarity Analysis Proceedings presented against associated companies, offering them every support possible in the sense that as many programs as possible obtain registration and, consequently, marketing authorization in the country.
  • Regulation by the Central Bank of remittances abroad, for payment of software, through various actions, both at the administrative level (letters, meetings, preparation of seminars, etc.) and by the initiation of legal proceedings against the Central Bank until the issuance of Circular 1534 of Bancen.
  • Procedures for standardizing the commercialization of computer programs of external origin, until the issuance of Ordinance 181 of the Ministry of Finance and Joint Ordinance SEI / IRS.
  • Orientation and implementation of anti-piracy actions, such as: promotion of seminars on the topic; participation in national and regional events of other entities discussing the subject; lectures at companies and government entities, guiding users on the risks inherent in the use of pirated software; providing support and institutional support to companies in the various lawsuits for searching and seizing pirated software;
  • Fight for the tax definition of the software, defending its treatment as a service subject to ISS and not to ICMS and IPI, including the monitoring in Congress of the project of the new Services Law;
  • Strong performance in the elaboration of the Software Law, obtaining advances as the extinction of the mandatory registration, of the unique analysis of the market reserve in the distribution of software.
  • Representation at CONIN - National Council of Informatics, where he defended the propositions that aimed to promote the further opening of the computer market.