THE Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) acts with the purpose of contributing to the construction of a Brazil More Digital and Less Unequal, because it believes that information technology plays a fundamental role for the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities, aiming at a better quality of life for all, in an inclusive and equal way. In view of this purpose, ABES 'objective is to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive.
Since its foundation in September 1986, ABES has sought to be relevant to its associates and a national and international reference in the technology sector, actively participating in the revolution promoted by digital transformation, promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, claiming public policies for building a strong sectorial model, strategically adapted to the global reality and with legal certainty. ABES is positioned as a platform, in which the most varied services and products are offered to its members.
Currently, ABES represents around 2,000 associated/partnered companies, which total approximately 85% of the software and services sector's revenue in Brazil, distributed across 24 states and the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 260,000 direct jobs and an annual revenue of around R$107 billion in 2023.
In addition to software companies and those that provide, in some way, related services, which were already traditionally represented, ABES also has two new member categories: (i) companies that use software intensively and (ii) those interested in the information technology sector in general. In this way, we now have the participation of companies linked to digital platforms, including startups (EduTechs, HealthTechs, LawTechs, FinTechs, AgroTechs, etc.) and incubators, accelerators and investment funds, as they are important agents in strengthening innovation and dynamism of the Brazilian market.
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Watch the presentation on the advantages of being an ABES member:
In line with its purpose, ABES:
- Represents associated companies in the spheres of municipal, state and federal government, with active participation with the ministries and secretariats for the improvement of sectoral programs. In addition, she works with the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate, monitoring, discussing and making suggestions in the processing of legal texts;
- Promotes and supports projects that encourage technological knowledge, research and development, promotion, innovation and professional improvement;
- Encourages integration between companies, the scientific community, government and civil society;
- Protects intellectual property and combats software piracy;
- Calls for government measures to promote legal certainty and a more balanced tax burden, so that Brazil has a simpler, less bureaucratic and costly tax system;
- Combats legal insecurity, which affects national competitiveness and removes investments, in view of the excessive laws and rules that are difficult to interpret and apply;
- Aligns the trends and needs of companies regarding regulations on new technologies and supports public and private strategies that encourage competitiveness and innovation;
- Discuss topics of relevance to the development of companies, such as technological trends, legislation, human resources for the sector, innovation in industry and retail, smart cities, among others.
- Board of Directors of SOFTEX - Association for the Promotion of Excellence in Brazilian Software;
- Board of Directors of ITS Institute of Software Technology of São Paulo;
- Occupies the Vice-Presidency of Software at CEBRASSE - Central Brasileira do Setor de Serviços;
- National Council to Combat Piracy - Ministry of Justice;
- State Council for Combating Piracy in Santa Catarina;
- Florianópolis Municipal Council for Combating Piracy (SC);
- Municipal Council for Combating Piracy in Blumenau (SC).

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