ABES and Think Tank articles

The new era of TLD Domains
Paulo Milliet Roque, president of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES).

The potential of Brazilian software companies in the international market
Evelin Priscila Trindade, researcher at Think Tank ABES

Digital Transformation and Value Cycle: The Dark Side of the Force
Darci de Borba, researcher at the ABES Think Tank

Cybersecurity in Brazil: Challenges and Urgent Need for Action
Flávia Brito, CEO of Bidweb Security IT, Advisor to Porto Digital, VP of ABES

Digital transformation and its impact on neo-cities and business
Prof. Dr. Regiane Relva Romano, researcher at the ABES Think Tank, director of Smart Cities at Facens and director of innovation at VIP-Systems.

Innovation, policy and digital transformation: building the industry of the future
Rodrigo Barreto, researcher at ABES Think Tank

Consistent branding and visual evolution: the success story of Pokémon's digital identity
Igor Arnaldo de Alencar, Educator and researcher at the ABES Think Tank

The dimension of ESG and its impacts on public management and governance
Prof. Dr. José Luiz Esteves, DBA Researcher at Think Tank ABES

Incorporating AI into organizational strategies: alignment with OKRs and KRs
Natália Marroni Borges, researcher at Think Tank ABES

Open innovation and inter-organizational projects: a synergy for success
Demis Marques, Think Tank ABES researcher and technology project manager.

Designing the future: technology and innovation in public health
Marcelo Batista Nery, researcher at Think Tank ABES

Digital transformation and its impacts on public procurement
Prof. Dr. José Luiz Esteves, DBA, Researcher at Think Tank ABES

Incorporating AI into organizational strategies: different technology adoption profiles in companies
Natália Marroni Borges, researcher at Think Tank ABES

The data economy as a tool for formulating evidence-based public policies
Ana Claudia Donner Abreu, Researcher at Think Tank. Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Administration (UFSC).

How to ethically combine design thinking with generative AI without compromising innovation
Mirian Luzzi (ABES); Daniela Jacobina (ABES Think Tank); Lucas Bastianello Scremin (IFSC Professor); Ricardo Pereira (Creator of @mentor.IA)

The impact of Pillar 2 on the Good Law
Aristóteles Moreira Filho, lawyer and researcher at Think Tank ABES

Brazil: laws by emotion and not by reason
Luiz Felipe Vieira de Siqueira, lawyer, researcher at Think Tank ABES, PhD student in Innovation & Technology – PPGIT UFMG

Digital transformation in education: the importance of teacher training
Ana Claudia Donner Abreu, Researcher THINK TANK ABES – IEA/USP

Cybersecurity: human challenges in the digital age
João Marcos Almeida, Think Tank researcher at ABES and professor of management and business at the São Paulo Faculty of Technology

Linear thinking versus exponential technological evolution
Camila Cristina Murta, leader of the ABES Public Procurement Working Group

Authenticity and Transparency in the Digital Age: Building a Trustworthy Brand Identity
Igor Arnaldo de Alencar
Educator and researcher at the Think Tank of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES)

Less pain and suffering: children's priority in times of crisis
Marcelo Batista Nery, Researcher at ABES Think Tank and Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation and Promotion at ABES

ABES and IDC celebrate 20 years of analyzing the Brazilian software market
Jorge Sukarie
Board member of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES), founding partner and CEO of Brasoftware.

The education revolution: from the impact of television to the integration of Artificial Intelligence
Ana Cláudia Donner Abreu
Researcher THINK TANK ABES – IEA/USP and Senior Researcher at the Integration Engineering and Knowledge Governance Laboratory at PPGEGC/UFSC

The Customer Journey: Aligning Digital Identity and Branding at Every Touchpoint
Igor Arnaldo de Alencar
Educator and researcher at the Think Tank of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES)

Suicide in the Digital Age: The Social Nature and Artificial Intelligence
Marcelo Batista Nery
Researcher at the ABES Think Tank and Oscar Sala Chair at the Institute of Advanced Studies at USP (IEA-USP)

The impacts of artificial intelligence governance regulation on Brazilian micro and small entrepreneurs
Marcelo Almeida
Director of Government Relations at the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES)

The Importance of Technology in Cities
Jamile Sabatini Marques
Director of Innovation and Development at ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES)

Challenge of adopting and recruiting Artificial Intelligence in Brazil
Natalia Marroni Borges
Researcher at the ABES Think Tank, Researcher member of the IEA Future Lab group

Digital Design Trends: How to Update Your Visual Identity Without Losing Consistency
Igor Arnaldo de Alencar
Educator and researcher at the Think Tank of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES)