ABES Academy

Launched in 2020, ABES ACADEMY is the sector of the entity responsible for educational activities and training courses for the labor market, in line with the concept of “lifelong learning”. The courses are aimed at those seeking professional updating, knowledge, improvement of skills and new practices.

“General Data Protection Law: Fundamentals and Implementation” is the theme of the first course offered by ABES ACADEMY, which provides participants with a complete view from the legal and technological point of view on this legislation, its concepts and impact on business. The course schedule clarifies what are the necessary steps so that companies can guarantee protection of people's data and privacy, avoid leaks, strengthen internal procedures, mitigate risks and sanctions. After all, the LGPD is not a seven-headed bug, but it cannot be ignored.

ABES members have a discount for enrolling in the course. More information about the classes envisaged, write to eventos@abes.org.br.

Another ABES Academy activity is the General Data Protection Law Training: Introduction and Best Practices, exclusive to associates and partners. Free, online, live and with a 4-hour workload, this training aims to enable participants to understand the principles established by the LGPD (Law 13.709/18), the impacts of the law on day-to-day activities, the measures of security and good practices, in order to make people aware of the subject, helping companies on their journey to comply with the LGPD.