Exemption News

Tax Exemption for the Software and IT Services Sector: Assessment of the Current Scenario and Next Steps
Our next webinar will be about Folha Exemption for the Software and IT Services Sector and will feature the participation of experts and representatives from ABES, who have been closely following the debate process on this topic in Brasília (DF). At this event,...

Data reveals how the Folha Exemption generates jobs and better wages
According to research carried out by Brasscom, in January 2024 alone, 80,975 jobs were created in the 17 sectors exempted by the policy. Payroll Exemption is the tax replacement of the conventional social security contribution, 20% on the value of...

Sectors deliver letter in favor of payroll exemption to deputy Any Ortiz
In a meeting to be held this Tuesday (12/03), with deputy Any Ortiz (Cidadania-RS), Sectors are against PL 493/24, which reinstates the payroll Representatives of the 17 sectors (ABT, ABERT , ABES, Abit, Abimaq, Abicalçados, ABOL, ABPA,...
Sectors deliver letter in favor of payroll exemption to deputy Any Ortiz
In a meeting to be held today (12), at 6pm, with deputy Any Ortiz (Cidadania-RS), Sectors are against PL 493/24, which reinstates the payroll Representatives of the 17 sectors (ABT, ABERT, ABES , Abit, Abimaq, Abicalçados, ABOL, ABPA, Abratel, ANJ,...

Exemption from Folha: PL 493/2024 – Dialogue is Imperative
Throughout 2023, during the processing of PL 334, the Federal Government did not present alternative proposals to the public policy approved by Congress, which is fundamental to the lives of more than 9 million formally employed workers. The Congress...

ABES participates in the press conference and the manifesto in favor of democratic discussion on payroll tax relief
This Wednesday (21/02), a new press conference was held at the National Congress in defense of the continuity of PAYROLL EXEMPTION, with the significant presence of senators Efraim Filho and Esperidião Amin, together with deputies...

ABES talks to Geraldo Alckmin, VP of the Republic and minister of the MDIC, about AI and payroll tax relief
On Monday (19/02), representatives of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) met with the Vice-President of the Republic and Minister of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), Geraldo Alckmin, at the headquarters from the bank...

Entities speak out on the MP's announcement on payroll tax relief by the Ministry of Finance
On the same day that the National Congress enacted Law 14,784, which extends the validity of the payroll tax exemption policy until December 31, 2027, the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, announced a package of fiscal measures that he will send to the ...

ABES celebrates the overturning of the veto on tax relief carried out by the National Congress
This Wednesday (14/12), the National Congress rejected the veto of the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, on the bill that extends the payroll tax exemption for 17 sectors of the economy. The text, which had been vetoed in full,...

ABES and entities from 17 economic sectors demand the overturn of the veto on payroll tax relief
A joint session of deputies and senators is scheduled for next Thursday (14/12), starting at 10 am, to analyze 39 vetoes and 20 projects. Among the items to be examined is the veto on payroll tax relief for 17 sectors of the economy (Veto...

ABES regrets the veto on the extension of the Folha Exemption and trusts that Congress will reverse the decision
ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) regrets the full veto of Bill No. 334/2023, which ensures the continuity, until December 31, 2027, of the payroll tax exemption for the 17 segments of the economy that employ the most in the country. To the...
ABES Position – veto to the extension of the payroll exemption
ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) regrets the full veto of Bill No. 334/2023, which ensures the continuity, until December 31, 2027, of the payroll tax exemption for the 17 segments of the economy that employ the most in the country. To the...

Entities representing 17 economic sectors request in an official letter that Lula sanction the Exemption Bill
ABES and the entities representing the 17 sectors that employ the most in the country came together in an essential request to maintain and generate even more jobs: the sanction of PL 334/2023. Emphasizing one of the main banners of President Lula's political trajectory, these...

Payroll exemption approved until 2027 for 17 sectors of the economy
The Senate Plenary approved the bill that extends, for another four years, the so-called payroll tax exemption, a type of tax incentive aimed at 17 large sectors of the Brazilian economy that employ the most. PL 334/2023 now goes to sanction or...

Entities ask for urgency in the approval of the Folha Tax Exemption in the Federal Senate
ABES and 24 other entities, which represent the 17 labor-intensive sectors covered by the Social Security Contribution on Gross Revenue (CPRB), sent a manifesto to Senator Vanderlan Cardoso (PSD/GO), president of the Affairs Committee...

Chamber approves bill extending payroll exemption
Text also reduces the social security contributions of municipalities. Proposal goes for further analysis in the Senate The Chamber of Deputies approved this Wednesday (30) Senate Bill 334/23, which extends the payroll tax exemption for 17 sectors of...

17 Sectors publish a manifesto for the continuity of payroll exemption
Coalition formed by sectors that employ the most in Brazil defends the approval of PL 334/23, which extends the policy until December 2027 .
17 Sectors publish a manifesto for the continuity of payroll exemption
Coalition formed by sectors that employ the most in Brazil defends the approval of PL 334/23, which extends the policy until December 2027 .