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Exemption News

Desoneração da Folha: PL 493/2024 – É Imperativo o Diálogo

Exemption from Folha: PL 493/2024 – Dialogue is Imperative

Throughout 2023, during the processing of PL 334, the Federal Government did not present alternative proposals to the public policy approved by Congress, which is fundamental to the lives of more than 9 million formally employed workers. The Congress...

ABES Position – veto to the extension of the payroll exemption

ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) regrets the full veto of Bill No. 334/2023, which ensures the continuity, until December 31, 2027, of the payroll tax exemption for the 17 segments of the economy that employ the most in the country. To the...

Câmara aprova projeto que prorroga desoneração da folha de pagamentos

Chamber approves bill extending payroll exemption

Text also reduces the social security contributions of municipalities. Proposal goes for further analysis in the Senate The Chamber of Deputies approved this Wednesday (30) Senate Bill 334/23, which extends the payroll tax exemption for 17 sectors of...