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Contract Templates

The Software Law and the Copyright Law have brought important legal guarantees for companies that produce, develop, resell, integrate or distribute software, activities that generate many rights and also obligations, which must be treated seriously so as not to compromise the image and companies' revenue.

In order for more and more associated companies to be able to conduct their business based on legal guidelines, with definition of the scope of work, description of deadlines, payments, obligations of the parties involved, ABES provides contract templates, prepared by the legal department, to assist associates in the management of their businesses.

The establishment of contracts for the use of licenses or the provision of services is essential in order to regulate relations, ensure compliance with the commercial agreement and resolve potential conflicts.

To use the contract templates or get more information about this service, contact us or contact ABES: (11) 5094 3100.

Opening hours: from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm.