Technology and Innovation: Public Policies and Regulatory Aspects of the Sector

Discover the collection of articles that explore how public policies and regulations can boost technological innovation for a more digital and less unequal Brazil.

GDPR Code of Conduct

Relevant concepts and obligations
established by the LGPD

Exclusive ABES/IDC study

How new technologies will support organizations and impact the market

Technology and Innovation: Public Policies and Regulatory Aspects of the SectorLivro Think Tank

ABES Angels Investment CenterAnjos do Brasil

GDPR Code of Conduct

An Ethical Company

Programa do MCTI/CNPq busca inserir mestres e doutores nas empresas

MCTI/CNPq program seeks to insert masters and doctors in companies

Human Resources Training Program in Strategic Areas (RHAE) will have R$ 61 million to encourage the insertion of researchers in innovative companies and startups Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), in partnership with the National Council of...

ABES oferece treinamento sobre a LGPD em 26/07

ABES offers training on LGPD on 07/26

ABES announces the holding of a new edition of the "General Data Protection Law Training: Introduction and Good Practices". This training, which is part of a continuous effort by ABES to consolidate the culture of personal data protection in Brazil, will be carried out...

TIVIT launches IoT platform integrated with cloud and AI services

TIVIT Smart Tracking drives digital transformation with real-time vision and monitoring, increasing management, avoiding risks, reducing losses and shortening process cycles. By 2025, there will be more than 23 billion connections in the Internet of Things (IoT), a... .

Senior Sistemas acquires Gatec Gestão Agroindustrial

Acquisition reinforces the offer of solutions for the agribusiness value chain, inside and outside the gate, and consolidates Senior's position as a reference in the sector Senior Sistemas, a Brazilian management technology multinational, has just announced the acquisition of...

Skyone expands its operations with innovative franchise project

With six units opened in the first half of 2024, the company launches a pioneering business model, in which franchisees can earn an average of R$180 thousand per year with an initial investment of R$ 58 thousand and payback of 18 months Skyone, a unified platform for... .

Estudo ABES/IDC 2024
Estudo ABES/IDC 2024
Guia de Compras públicas e o Marco Legal das Startups
Conheça o projeto
Estudo ABES/IDC 2024
Estudo ABES/IDC 2024
Guia de Compras públicas e o Marco Legal das Startups
Conheça o projeto
Programa do MCTI/CNPq busca inserir mestres e doutores nas empresas

MCTI/CNPq program seeks to insert masters and doctors in companies

Human Resources Training Program in Strategic Areas (RHAE) will have R$ 61 million to encourage the insertion of researchers in innovative companies and startups Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), in partnership with the National Council of...

ABES oferece treinamento sobre a LGPD em 26/07

ABES offers training on LGPD on 07/26

ABES announces the holding of a new edition of the "General Data Protection Law Training: Introduction and Good Practices". This training, which is part of a continuous effort by ABES to consolidate the culture of personal data protection in Brazil, will be carried out...

TIVIT launches IoT platform integrated with cloud and AI services

TIVIT Smart Tracking drives digital transformation with real-time vision and monitoring, increasing management, avoiding risks, reducing losses and shortening process cycles. By 2025, there will be more than 23 billion connections in the Internet of Things (IoT), a... .

Senior Sistemas acquires Gatec Gestão Agroindustrial

Acquisition reinforces the offer of solutions for the agribusiness value chain, inside and outside the gate, and consolidates Senior's position as a reference in the sector Senior Sistemas, a Brazilian management technology multinational, has just announced the acquisition of...

Skyone expands its operations with innovative franchise project

With six units opened in the first half of 2024, the company launches a pioneering business model, in which franchisees can earn an average of R$180 thousand per year with an initial investment of R$ 58 thousand and payback of 18 months Skyone, a unified platform for... .

Plataforma Match<IT>
Fórum LGPD
Banner Diagnóstico de Sustentabilidade
Quanto vale 20 centavos?

How much is 20 cents worth?

Marcelo Batista Nery
Researcher at the ABES Think Tank and Oscar Sala Chair at the Institute of Advanced Studies at USP (IEA-USP)

Destaques sobre a Gestão da Inovação e Ecossistemas

Highlights on Innovation and Ecosystem Management

Conheça o Think Tank ABES e o novo livro Tecnologia e Inovação, com Jamile Sabatini Marques, diretora da ABES

Discover the ABES Think Tank and the new book Technology and Innovation, with Jamile Sabatini Marques, director of ABES

Desoneração da Folha para o Setor de Software e Serviços de TI: análise de cenário e próximos passos

Cybersecurity Challenges in Brazil

Ferramenta de Diagnóstico da LGPD
Dashboard dos Dados do Diagnóstico da LGPD
Comitês e Grupos de Trabalho
ABES Conecta

This advisor deals with the taxation related to amounts paid abroad, BY THE END USER, for the purposes of acquiring or renewing A LICENSE TO USE SOFTWARE, that is, it takes care exclusively of the acquisition of software for its own use, intended for the final consumer.

This advisor analyzes the main impacts of the solution for the software sector.

