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Innovation and Promotion

Innovation and Promotion Directorate

Committed to its mission of strengthening the Brazilian Software and Services Industry (IBSS) and promoting the development of companies in the sector, ABES created the Innovation and Promotion Directorate, responsible for aggregating all information and actions to favor the access of associates to innovation and to public or private financial resources.

The area is the strategic gateway for associates to obtain support for innovation processes and use the means of obtaining credit and investment available. For this, its performance will take place on several fronts:

Promotion Guide – Keep cataloged, updated and easily accessible to the public all information on the options for fostering innovation and sources of funds, whether public or private. The association launched the first version in 2018, through extensive mapping carried out with the support of ABGI consultancy, which remains a partner in the initiative. The most up-to-date version of the Guide is available​ on here.
Relationship - Strengthen the relationship with the main entities that manage governmental and private programs and resources to assess how member companies can prepare to apply for membership, credit and investments.
Consultancy - Accredit and make available specialized consultants in the various options for project development.
Technical lectures - Reinforce actions by offering associates lectures on related topics, in order to deepen information about existing programs and encourage them to join.

Consult the information of events already held.