
In order to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, sustainable, dynamic and globally competitive, ABES has followed and participated in debates on the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Brazil and in different countries and regions. And, to collaborate with the discussions on the regulation of AI in the Brazilian market, the association sent its contributions to the Committee of Jurists of the Federal Senate, in charge of the matter, chaired by the minister of the STJ, Ricardo Villas Bôas Cueva.

In the document, 8 priorities were suggested for public policies and legislation involving AI that were evaluated as fundamental to promoting reliable AI: Stimulating the Development and Adoption of AI in Brazil; Legal Security; Regulation Based on the Use of AI; Risk Based Regulation; Correct allocation of Duties and Civil Liability; Regulation that provides Guidelines; Governance; Compliance with Existing Legislation.

The preparation of this document had the active participation of our board and the ABES Working Group on AI, led by Loren Spindola and Eduardo Paranhos. “We understand that it is critical that AI policy focuses on trust and transparency. We believe in the self-regulation of companies, from different sectors, based on ethical, transparent principles that defend the explanation of decisions and traceability of data. We believe that regulation should provide guidelines so that the competent authorities can, if necessary, contextually regulate the different uses of AI in their different spheres of activity”, highlights Loren Spíndola.

“It is also critical that the government support the innovation and adoption of AI on a large scale and across the board. We understand that the definitions adopted in the context of AI regulation must be, on the one hand, flexible enough to accommodate technological development and, on the other hand, must be precise enough to offer the necessary legal certainty in relation to its use”, he explains. Edward.

ABES recommends the adoption of a principled Legal Framework, which can represent a vector of stimulus to innovation and recognition of fundamental rights, from the implementation of guidelines for infra-legal activity. Knife here the download of this document in full.

In the month of May, the entity participated of public hearings in which four main thematic axes were discussed: concepts, understanding and classification of AI; AI impacts; rights and duties; and accountability, governance and oversight.


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