The committee of jurists of the Federal Senate started the discussion on the regulation of the use of artificial intelligence in Brazil. For public hearings, four main thematic axes were established: concepts, understanding and classification of AI; AI impacts; rights and duties; and accountability, governance and oversight. Within these thematic axes, 12 panels are planned – a part of which has already taken place on 04/28 and 29 and will continue on May 12 and 13 –, to which jurists and specialists from different areas, such as technology, digital inclusion and regulation.
Presiding over the table of the first panel, the minister of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) Villas Bôas Cueva – president of the commission of jurists – stated that the objective of the meetings, which take place at the congress in a hybrid format, is to discuss the various aspects of the difficult task of subsidizing the senators in the elaboration of the substitute to the projects approved by the Chamber of Deputies.
ABES was represented by Loren Spíndola, Leader of the entity's Artificial Intelligence Committee, and participated in this first panel, whose theme was Artificial intelligence and regulation: object to be regulated and sociotechnical aspects. Other participants were Virgílio Almeida – Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG); Ig Bittencourt – Federal University of Alagoas; Tanara Lauschner – Federal University of Amazonas and Internet Steering Committee (; and Fabro Steibel – Institute of Technology and Society.
“Today, artificial intelligence systems are used by all sectors of the economy. There are several types of AI systems offering different benefits, opportunities, risks and regulatory challenges. When proposing a Legal Framework for Artificial Intelligence in Brazil, it is necessary to bear in mind that AI systems are different from each other and that the attempt to group them together, without considering their use, is harmful to the development and application of technology in the field. Country”, emphasized Loren.
Loren said, “different points of the bills on AI that are attached here in the Senate are positive. In particular, the 21/20 that brings the issue of risk, the protection of fundamental rights, with principles that guide the development of technology and the attempt to structure governance, where the public power would act, according to its competence”.
Based on the debates at the hearings and the work of the commission - which has a period of 120 days to complete its activities, counting from the date of installation -, the senators will prepare a substitute for Bills 5.051/2019, 21/2020 and 872/2021, which aim to establish principles, rules, guidelines and foundations to regulate the development and application of artificial intelligence in Brazil.
Watch all the panels already held on the Senate YouTube channel.
Source: Agência Senado, STJ and ABES