
Overturning of Veto 26/2020 that allows the extension of the tax exemption of the sheet is constitutional, saves jobs and is unavoidable. With this main claim, 37 sectoral entities, including ABES, sent a manifesto to party leaders in the National Congress so that the topic could be voted on by parliamentarians, as the postponement has generated legal uncertainty.

The document says: “The erratic behavior of the Government in order to postpone the analysis of Veto 26/2020 has created an environment of uncertainty. A different justification or promise appears at each moment. In view of the firm positioning of parliamentarians and party leaders in order to overturn the veto and confirm the agreement made with the Government itself during the course of MP 936/2020, the issue remains strong on the agenda ”.

THE exemption from payroll of payments allows companies to choose to contribute to Social Security with a percentage ranging from 1% to 4.5% on gross revenue instead of collecting 20% on payroll. Currently, 17 labor-intensive sectors are covered by the exemption, whose representative entities are signatories of the letter.

Another excerpt from the document highlights: "With the end of the year approaching, it is no longer possible to postpone the analysis of this topic, at the risk of not being solved in a timely manner and hundreds of thousands of jobs being lost".

Download the full document here: Official Letter Leaders - MP 936 - Constitutionality and Urgency - Veto on Relief 03.11.2020

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