
ABES and 6 other entities in the ICT sector manifested themselves in favor of the Draft Legislative Decree (PDL) 255/202 and defend the adhesion of Brazil to the Convention of the Council of Europe against Cyber Crime, better known as the Budapest Convention. All signatories consider that membership is relevant, since Brazil would become a member state, as well as more than 60 countries, including the United States and a large part of the European Union. Brazil currently has the status of an observer of the Convention and received an invitation, in December 2019 – valid for three years – to adhere to the instrument.

An excerpt from the manifest highlights that:

Given the cross-border nature of cybercrime, the entities subscribing to the note reiterate that the legislative ratification will also allow the implementation of the actions established in item 2.3.8 of the National Cyber Security Strategy (E-Ciber), established by Decree No. 10.222 , 2020, regarding the expansion of Brazil's international cooperation in cyber security, through the signing of cooperation agreements in cyber security and international mechanisms to combat cyber crimes”.

The manifest also says that:

The incorporation of this Convention into the Brazilian legal system is worthy of recommending that the signatory parties adopt legislative measures to typify cyber crimes, such as infringements against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer systems and data, infringements related to computers and content. Therefore, this normative instrument will enable Brazil to enjoy the international cooperation necessary to fight cybercrime, in addition to guaranteeing the country a more qualified legal framework to welcome innovations in the digital economy such as 5G, IoT and Artificial Intelligence".

In addition to ABES, the Association of Information Technology and Communication Companies (Brasscom), the Brazilian Association of Internet of Things (Abinc), the Association of Information Technology Services Companies (Asserti), the Association are also signatories of the manifesto. of Brazilian Startups and ICT Companies (Assespro), the Brazilian Association of Technology and Digital Identification (Atid) and the Brazilian Association of Internet Hosting Infrastructure Companies (AbraHosting).

Knife here the download of the manifest in full.

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