Press Releases


The amendments brought by PL 1179/20, which changed Article 65 of Law No. 13,709 / 18 (LGPD), postponing the entry into force of Articles 52 to 54, which deal with sanctions, to August 1, 2021 and the other articles for 1st of ...

The National IoT Plan decree was signed. And now?

By Werter Padilha, coordinator of the ABES IoT Committee It was at the stage of defining the theme of this article, when decree nº 9.854 was signed. of June 25, 2019, which instituted the “National Internet Plan of ...

Foster innovation for Brazil to grow again

By Jamile Sabatini Marques, director of Innovation and Promotion at ABES Innovation generates competitiveness in the national and international market, creates new markets and generates new forms of consumption. Encouraging innovation ...

Loss on pirated software reaches US$ 1.7 billion in Brazil

More than 86 thousand contents that infringe software copyright were removed in 2018 The annual balance of the internet monitoring program released by ABES shows that 40,944 links, 43,288 advertisements and 77 websites were ...

LGPD: good for privacy, better for hackers

    By Francisco Camargo * In Brazil, we do not have a culture of analyzing the impact of government regulations broadly and in detail. What is happening is that the different Public Agencies generate norms, without analyzing all of them ...

New character domain names: problem or solution?

By Paulo Milliet Roque, vice president of ABES, and Don Hollander, general secretary of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group Since 2010, the Domain Name System (DNS) has expanded dramatically, not only fostering ...