The answers that ABES gave us
Life is full of surprises and, in the end, we live waiting for a lot of answers, which we often do not receive. When I wrote my first text on the WEB on a particular search site, stories and authors in 07/2009, this text was called “As ...
Depression: yes or no?
Bruna was a beautiful girl in her 15 years of age. A beauty without sweetness in the features, but full of candor in the smile. Quite shy, she was studious and very curious. As an only child, she was always very close to her mother, whom she saw as a brave warrior, ...
"Blessed are you 'Homeland Beloved Brazil'"
Brazilians think that the rest of the world is worth less Brazil. It really seems that we like to speak ill of our land and the customs of our own people. Many glorify other countries, as if this were the world's sewage. They even speak ill of their own ...
Yes, but without losing track
The title reminds me of the phrase: "Change, but start slowly, because direction is more important than speed". So, I face the phrase by Edson Marques: what good is being a Formula 1 champion and winning a wonderful funeral, to die of recklessness in a ...
The importance of a hug
The world is connected and people are disconnected. We are creating things at a speed never imagined. But it scares me to see so many people getting lost and taking their own lives, at different ages. Since we were born, it's intuitive to understand that human beings ...
TRUST and its relationship to professional success
I constantly hear statements of frustration and discouragement like these: “I can't take politics anymore at work. It seems that everyone only thinks about themselves and goes over everything and everyone to make progress ”; “Here, in the company, even to buy a pencil, you have to ask ...
I don't report it because I love it. Really?
This is an article based on real facts. The story is very sad, but it needs to be mentioned. Thousands of women dream of having their homes, getting married, having children, being able to work and be happy. In this case, I am talking about a lady, currently 70 years old ...
Bye, Bye Management !!!!
Is management as we know and practice today an outdated model? The management that we know and is still practiced in most organizations has its origin in the industrial age, more than 100 years ago, that is: it was created in the 19th century. And, we are in the 21st century !!!! O...
The relationship between son and mother has no age
When we are born, our first lap is the maternal. In her arms we cuddle, from the milk of her breasts we nourish ourselves. From there, we create a visceral relationship for our entire life. In the tender years of life, she is the one who supports us, educates us, pampers us, nina ...
Intellectual Bullies
The qualities of truly confident people are inherent in their personality and THEY are more humble than the simplest human beings. Trust is not bravado or arrogance or an obvious pretense of bravery. Trust is not a sea ...
Are you ready for the digital transformation?
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION, we hear this term all the time. In business conversations only talk about it! But, what does this REALLY mean? We are so used to technology that we can no longer imagine life without it. And yet, when it comes to ...
Life opportunities
Cláudio was an excellent professional, hardworking and very good-humored. In the place where he worked, he was always very helpful and playful; of those people who are “a stick for every job”. He had a beautiful family, he was very concerned with his well-being and studies ...
'The lessons of silence'
Bruno Kahne is a consultant in Blagnac, France and works with the aviation industry. He wrote an article for Strategy + Business magazine published by Booz & Company, in May 2008, which deals with “what a deaf person can teach us about the art of listening ...
Are Brazilians sustainable?
Since I know myself, I’m a patriot. For a long time I walked with a shirt from Brazil, I was always moved when I heard the national anthem (and I am still moved), I always admired our natural beauties, the diversity of races and creeds, the receptive smile of the people ...
Space Invasion
How many times have you been uncomfortable with someone who came very close to you? Certainly you have never felt this way without even understanding why. According to Edward Hall, an American anthropologist, the human being has spatial needs. I explain: the human being ...
Unemployment in the dump
The largest dump in Latin America was deactivated in 2012, after 34 years, and caused entire families to be unemployed. It is also known that “Installed on a mangrove on the banks of Guanabara Bay and at the confluence of the Sarapuí and Iguaçu rivers, in Duque de Caxias ...
Innovates Brain
The other day I was in São Paulo and I went to visit a giant coworking in the city. The experience was very interesting in the sense of seeing how the world is changing at an extraordinary rate. When I was little, I heard it from my parents, but today, I confess that I ...
Why do your company's plans end up failing?
When you don't act with the purpose of saving established plans for your business, you may end up doing something stupid and deadly: "close your business and look for your class". Horrible results have little to do with what you actually did, but if you don't ...
In a World Cup climate, I have observed several demonstrations in different regions of the country. The Brazilian, despite all the situation he faces in a country that welcomes people from all sides with open arms, but is not welcomed by his own government, still fills his chest with ...
What makes you happy?
We are living in an era, in which the search for happiness has been a constant. So I wonder: were people not happy? Or were they and didn't know? The big question is to understand what makes us happy. And this is very variable, from person to person. Already stayed ...

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