When you don't act with the purpose of saving established plans for your business, you may end up doing something stupid and deadly: "close your business and look for your class".

Horrible results have little to do with what you actually did, but if you didn't, and the results are horrible, you have committed a crime. Of course, it is true, that for every action there is a deserved result. But, this presupposes that the result is directly and purposefully linked to your activity.

This assumes that you know where you want to be and that is why getting there is so important to you. And many times, what is missing is a planned action, with courage and determination. Otherwise, you will end up making things stupid. This is how things look when you look back. You feel stupid (ignorant too.) The reality is that you are probably only missing a purpose that is phenomenal.

Are you doing "things"? Correct things ?! Sometimes the movements you are going through are not fueled by the emotions that lead to surprising results. There is a lack of a plan, a purpose and, obviously, a lot of passion.

So, while you are doing what appear to be smart business moves, you may not get smart business results.

And so, you will feel stupid. It's confuse. And frustrated. And wanting to know why all your effort is not driving you towards the extraordinary success you have read about others, using similar strategies and tactics.

You may ask yourself, "Do I want to fix this ?!" Think about what you want to do (think about it a little more. And a few more moments). Imagine the success you can feel. Calculate (carefully) what it will cost you to get there.

A good plan, with step by step, one to be given each day, an action based on another already accomplished, will take you towards your goal.

Repeat the steps defined in the plan day by day, until you reach the finish line. Then, you will come to the conclusion that you can always improve, making the call Continuous Improvement. You'll never look back.

Note that "time" and "thinking" are just about everything you need! That's it.

This is the difference between doing what appears to be deliberately intelligent and thinking and acting for yourself. If you don't think, you are going to do something stupid.

You end up being a victim of everything that happens, if you do it your way. You cannot determine what happens or what you are going to do next. You just hope that nothing bad gets in your way, and then you can say you're in luck. And that doesn't sound like a smart plan, does it?

Onivaldo Roncatti
Onivaldo Roncatti
Onivaldo Roncatti is an entrepreneur, business administrator and specialist in Information Technology since 1970. Founder and executive of Union TI and director of ABES. A person is considered happy with the achievements obtained daily, happy to be free to act and think, happy to write about everyday life and happy for the family and friends he has. More information: https://www.linkedin.com/in/onivaldoroncatti/


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