
ABES participated this Tuesday (20/02) in the launch of the Regulatory Agenda 2024, from the LGPD Business Forum, of which she is the creator and co-founder. The event took place in Brasília (DF), at the headquarters of the National Confederation of Store Managers (CNDL) and was broadcast online. The association was represented by Andriei Gutierrez, our vice-president and deputy secretary of the forum, by Thomaz Côrte Real, legal consultant at ABES), by Marcelo Almeida, Director of Government Relations. The meeting was attended by Rony Vainzof, data protection consultant at FecomercioSP and executive secretary of the forum, who led the presentation of the agenda.

The debate table included: Arthur Pereira Sabbat, interim CEO of the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD); Eduardo Gomes – Senator of the Republic; Cristina Shimoda Uechi, General Coordinator of Digital Transformation at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation; Natasha Nunes – Conexis Brasil Digital (National Union of Telephony and Mobile, Cellular and Personal Service Companies); Ricardo Almeida, Cybersecurity Director of the National Confederation of Retail Managers (CNDL); and Mariana Castro, Director of Articulation at the LGPD Forum.

ANPD and LGPD Forum Agenda 

Arthur Pereira Sabbat (ANPD), spoke about the priority projects of the regulatory agency authority for 2024, on 4 work fronts: standardization, inspection, institutional and administrative relations, shared in this presentation.

You representatives of the LGPD Forum presented the priority points that the Country must observe for the continued implementation of the General Law on the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy. The material, composed of eight thematic axes, was prepared jointly by dozens of representative entities, from different sectors of the Brazilian economy, which are part of the coalition. The meeting discussed the importance of data and algorithms, as well as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, for the national economy and competitiveness.

According to Vainzof (FecomércioSP/Fórum), the initiative demonstrates the union of private sector understandings around what could be a Nation's Plan for AI, Data Protection and Cybersecurity. “Data, algorithms and AI are inputs and technologies for global transformation, enhancing the competitiveness of companies and nations, being fundamental for the economic and social development of any country”, he pointed out. According to him, the LGPD brought more legal certainty to the ethical and responsible use of data, but the absence of its rapid and in-depth regulation harms the most varied and necessary business activities involving the processing of data and the use of technology. These are, for example, fraud prevention, credit protection, marketing, commerce and access to AI training and development.

Gutierrez (ABES/Fórum/FecomércioSP) highlighted the importance of this discussion: “We defend the creation of a Nation Plan for Data in Brazil, through the National Policy for the Protection of Personal Data and Privacy, in order to generate legal security through the clear vision of the Brazilian perspective on the topic”, he declared.

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