
*By Eduardo Berti Sanches and Paulo Rogério Magri

According to Guilherme Evans, Leader of Deloitte Digital: Digital transformation is the impact of technological evolution, increasingly accelerated, applied to business, in the search for gains in efficiency and effectiveness, normally in three major spheres: in the customer experience, in operations and in tools and ways of working.”

This transformation consists of a process that an organization applies to integrate digital technology in all its areas, with the aim of adding value to the business and especially to customers. Changes, with the adoption of digital transformation, are mainly cultural, they can even change operational concepts and these must seek to meet customer expectations.

Based on cultural change, the organization will create digital solutions, such as mobile applications and/or an e-commerce platform; computer migration OnPremises for cloud computing; adoption of smart sensors to reduce operational costs.

Digital transformation aims to maintain competitiveness in an ever-changing technological landscape. This transformation is inevitable. It is a reality, as technology is intrinsically linked to the operation, being at the basis of the business, processes and experience of the Professional Team. Therefore, it must be part of the Organization’s strategy.

Therefore, organizations must adapt to new technologies to continue operating in an extremely competitive market that still has very little coopetition. Check out the article on the topic!

Digital transformation is innovation and evolution of technologies applied to business, as an end or means of operations, with an impact on culture and internal processes.

One of the objectives of digital transformation is to prepare organizations for adversity. However, it is also a tool to stimulate innovation and increase production capacity, with lower costs.

The benefits arising from this transformation can be seen through increased productivity, friendlier environments, etc. For example, making it easier for customers to search for websites and systems that improve communication.

Digital transformation needs to occur in all aspects of the organization:

Client – is the center, for implementation to be truly effective. First, it is necessary to analyze the context in which the customer is inserted, such as their journey, their behavior, their expectations.

Professionals – there must be training for your professionals to contribute to changing the culture and thus become enthusiastic and committed to the new mentality. Creative freedom must be encouraged. Once an idea is tested, the digital transformation can then continue to implement it on a large scale.

Planning – you must plan carefully, providing adequate tools to have an effective digital transformation.

Leaders – will bring order to all stages of the process. All technologies must be evaluated from different angles, to reduce the chance of error when implementing them.

Customers, professionals, leaders, technologies they must interact collaboratively so that the culture of innovation is successful, bringing benefits to the organization.

Monitoring processes and providing feedback is extremely important, as it will point out successes, possible failures and thus new directions to be worked on.

Because digital transformation is a journey, introducing checkpoints provides the opportunity for flexibility to make changes when necessary.

Today the organization must have the ability to adapt to changes, pointing to the future, putting technologies in its favor. This way, your challenges will be simplified, optimized and resolved. Investing in these changes means looking to the future.

Remembering that digital transformation begins when an organization moves from the current stage to the intentional stage.

Key leaders and change agents emerge and begin testing new technologies, seeking formal approval from the organization's executives to lead the change. Company culture can become an obstacle at this time, and leadership must actively encourage a culture of innovation to reinforce digital transformation.

Individual groups and departments must agree to work collaboratively. The parties create a strategic roadmap focused on innovation to consolidate successful digital transformation. They plan different aspects of the change such as ownership, research, efforts and investment.

The organization moves to another level: building the future, bringing as much as possible to the present.

*Eduardo Berti Sanches, CEO of DIGITI and Paulo Rogério Magri, Director of ASPR

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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