
* By Fabio Camara

Much is said about the lack of manpower in the IT market, but little is said about possible solutions to increase the number of qualified professionals. The concern with the shortage of manpower is pertinent. According to the Brazilian Association of Information and Communication Technology Companies (Brasscom), almost 800,000 new technology jobs should be created in Brazil by 2025 and 67% of them – more than half a million – may not be filled due to lack of professionals. In other words, the absence of qualified people is a fact. The problem lies in the limited view we find in the market about what makes someone qualified to work with IT and how to solve this manpower blackout.

I'm going to share a reflection with you that I address a lot in my discussions. If a professional wants to start a career as a programmer, we automatically think that he must go to college in computer science, right? But this is not necessary. This professional who wants to become a programmer has access to several free content on the internet and with just a computer, books, YouTube videos or free courses, he has enough to start studying and get a job in the area.

Speaking like this may seem impossible and as a society we really have a problem believing that we are capable of studying on our own and starting a career transition in a few months. But if we hear many stories of people becoming fluent in English on their own, why can't we apply this to programming and other positions within technology? Career transition can start with this awareness of the ability to study on your own, in planning, investment of time, dedication, and in the understanding that it is not necessary to have experience in the area to be able to enter the field you want.

I believe that it is the role of companies, companies, to create solutions for this demand in the job market. That's why we invest more and more in actions such as our Training Program. And here, I bring my personal story. I myself went through a transition and sought to improve myself, because I wanted to work with technology. That's why I believe that anyone can follow this path as well and without having to, in principle, go through a graduation. I know and we have hundreds of stories that started this way. Companies are investing in people who want to learn and who demonstrate willpower and initiative. This is the biggest differentiator when running for a vacancy, more than any title.  

* Fabio Camara, CEO of the FCamara Group

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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