
4 steps to scan a small retailer

By Eros Jantsch, vice president of Micro and Small Businesses at Totvs Much is said about how technology is evolving and helping large retailers, but we hear little about the impact of this transformation on small ...

It's time to raise and invest

By Gilmar Batistela, Global CEO of Resource IT The biggest impact has passed. Crisis is no longer a justification for halting progress and postponing projects. In pain, we learned many lessons and, despite the insistence of ...

We have a mountain of data. And now?

Leandro Hernández, President and COO of Software AG for Latin America “We have never been so connected”, “the customer is constantly evolving”, “keeping a customer satisfied ...

Digital transformation needs APIs

  By Lucas Tempestini, marketing analyst at Sensedia Are you a big consumer of reports from the world's leading consultancies? We here at Sensedia are, especially the two largest in the world: Forrester and ...

Bimodal IT - Marketing or Solution?

By Cassio Dreyfuss, Vice President of Research at Gartner Everyone who has developed IT solutions knows the problem. For decades, organizations have used the same processes, methodologies and governance ...

Creative thinking and digital transformation

By Nilson Yoshihara, Technical Account Manager at Software AG A recent movement in organizations has been increasingly consolidated towards the search for innovative solutions that solve the new digital challenges: thinking ...

How a ransomware attack works

By Marcus Almeida, Inside Sales & SMB manager at Intel Security Ransomware attacks continue to grow. According to McAfee Labs, ransomware samples grew by 169% in 2015 and the total malware samples now number almost 6 ...

E-commerce goes beyond new frontiers

By Kleber Bacili, CEO of Sensedia APIs change the way of buying over the internet and take e-commerce to another level in collaboration and interactivity Interactivity, practicality, comfort, collaboration: these are some ...

Overcoming the crisis with technology

By Francisco Camargo, President of ABES It is undeniable that the current recession that Brazil is going through affects all sectors of the economy. Closing of companies, dismissal of employees and negotiations for ...

The consumer has changed. The m-payment and the new frauds

By Hugo Costa, general director of ACI in Brazil Who has never made a purchase by cell phone? Today it is more difficult to find a negative answer to that question. Smartphones are already like extensions of our body - we use ...

Data: Who do they belong to?

* Paulo Milliet Roque, Vice President and Director of Innovation at ABES The cases of blocking the WhatsApp instant messaging service and even the arrest of the Facebook executive in Brazil this year brought, once again, ...

Fostering innovation - a vision of Brazil and Australia

* By Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation at ABES The impact of innovation in a country can be demonstrated in several ways, from its ability to move the economy through the generation of new jobs ...

Can the digital revolution kill traditional banks?

By Simon Mulcahy, Senior Vice President, Financial Services, Salesforce No topic has been discussed as much in the corporate environment between 2015 and 2016 as the digital revolution and no industry has been more affected by it than the ...

Black holes in the customer journey

Glenn Johnson, Senior Vice President, Magic Software Enterprises Americas Many companies aim to get a 360 degree view of their interactions with customers. However, ERP users with data from ...

The growth of data traffic and opportunities

By Eduardo Carvalho, President of Equinix in Brazil In the past, companies captured, processed and distributed their data automatically only on proprietary bases. The information was manipulated through tapes and ...

The birth of agile society

By Mike Gregoire, Global CEO of CA Technologies The Fourth Industrial Revolution, often called Industry 4.0, is imminent. We are experiencing a pace of technological advances like never before and, in this new era, ...

Brazil, Digital Country

  By Fábio Rua, coordinator of the ABES Regulatory Committee Find the best hotels according to your preference and pocket size. Have access to the cheapest airline tickets on the market. Take a...

B2B E-commerce - worth investing

    By Nei Tremarin, CMO of the Electronic Market Business relations have been changing day after day and are moving towards a more connected and personal world. Individuals become more important than ...