
By Guilherme Porto, CEO of Plusoft


With the advancement of technology, especially mobile devices such as notebooks, smartphones and tablets, the consumer has become interested in relating to brands on various interfaces and at any time. Before, e-mail and the call center were the main interaction tools between companies and their customers. However, especially with the expansion of social networks, these points of contact began to share space - and consumer attention - with applications, intelligent virtual assistants, SAC 2.0, instant messengers, among other technologies available on the market based on the Internet concept of Stuff.
With this expansion of the relationship channels, the consumer started to want the elimination between the distance of an order and its fulfillment. The immediacy became mandatory for this new generation of customers, especially among Millennials (born from the 1980s until the mid-2000s), who almost always prefer virtual interaction - by text - instead of the voice channel. The increase in Internet purchases also plays a part in this change in consumer behavior, which is now equipped with more information associated with the convenience of being able to buy without leaving home.
About ten years ago, when e-commerce shopping in Brazil began to emerge, the world of commerce and customer relations was divided into two parts: offline and online. The first covered interaction by telephone, letter, direct mail and customer service spaces, usually reserved for physical stores. In the digital universe, the dialogue with the consumer was basically maintained through e-mails.
With the evolution of technology and the increase in social networks as components of these relationship channels, the need arose to integrate all these points of contact, in order to guarantee consumer satisfaction. It is at this moment that the Omnichannel concept begins to attract the attention of company managers and take shape in their strategies.
While multichannel service offers a variety of forms of service without necessarily being interconnected, the Omnichannel experience allows the integration of consumer information at all points of interaction with the brand. In this case, when a customer enters a store, for example, the attendant has at his disposal all the data he needs to offer a personalized and continuous experience.
A relationship strategy based on the Omnichannel concept, when executed correctly, can bring good results to the company and increase customer retention, since a well-attended consumer always comes back. However, in order for it to return, it is necessary to provide a complete and personalized experience on your preferred channel. 
This is what made a Brazilian brand in the food and beverage sector that wished to print the same quality of its products in the company's service, in a centralized way and so that the customer's journey could be monitored more closely. By implementing Omnichannel, with personalized support on several platforms, the company achieved a two-minute reduction in the average telephone service time and 97% of customer demands started to be resolved in the first contact.
Being Omnichannel is working in an integrated way, so that the experience in the physical store is complemented by digital interaction and vice versa. The customer can start to be served by a social network, continue their occurrence by chat and end by a voice channel or physical store, according to their convenience.
It is possible - and essential - to improve the consumer's decision in favor of the brand and to increase the conversion rate, in addition to delivering agility and meeting the demand for immediacy of this new generation that is no longer willing to wait.


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