
Brazil can be a hub for innovation in areas such as agribusiness, health, financial services and deepwater oil exploration


Transformations in manufacturing processes promoted by new technologies are ongoing and impact the economy and social organization. Currently, there is talk of the advent of Industry 4.0, but what does it represent? Is it possible for companies to become more agile and flexible? How does Brazil position itself in this innovation scenario? Will this evolution generate unemployment?
The ABES portal interviewed Luiz Egreja, responsible for Manufacturing Solutions at Dassault Systèmes, an associate of the entity, on the subject and the company's plans for the domestic market. According to the executive, the 4th industrial revolution is “first and foremost a strategic issue, as it deals with the competitiveness of companies in a new, even more dynamic and aggressive business environment”, based on the combination of various technologies. Check out:
1.            How do you define Industry 4.0?
Industry 4.0 or the 4th Industrial Revolution designates a new model of industrial production that uses the most modern technologies to allow the delivery of new products and services to the market, often through innovative business models, in order to provide unique experiences to customers. consumers competitively. It involves various technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Additive Manufacturing or 3D Printing, new materials, cloud computing, Big Data and many others, but it is not a purely technological issue. It is above all a strategic issue, as it deals with the competitiveness of companies in a new, even more dynamic and aggressive business environment.
2.            What are the roles played by France and the United States in this scenario of technological revolution?
France and the United States, which have different industrial profiles and vocations from Germany, are developing their own Industry 4.0 initiatives with different characteristics. France has a focus on educating and training people, standardizing technologies and supporting small and medium-sized businesses. The United States, in turn, is focusing more on processes and business models, encouraging innovation via startups. As none of these countries have the same focus as Germany, both have signed partnership agreements to take advantage of developments in the field of Industry 4.0 in terms of industrial equipment and automation, while focusing on developing what they consider a priority, according to their needs and vocations.
3.            How does the company see Brazil's participation in this scenario? Can the country be considered a generator of technological innovations?
Brazil has the potential to be a hub for innovation, but for that to happen some conditions need to be met. Perhaps the first is the creation of a business environment conducive to innovation, where established companies, new entrepreneurs, the academic and scientific community and other members of society have access to the means and institutional security to invest and run the risks inherent in innovation. innovation. Another fundamental point is to define our vocation as a generator of innovative technology. No country manages to be a leader in innovation in all areas, and it is necessary to elect priorities with intelligence. We believe that Brazil can be very successful in innovating in areas such as agribusiness (including the entire chain, from genetic improvement to the production of agricultural equipment), in financial services, in oil exploration in deep waters, in health, to name a few. However, business models, industrial policies and innovation incentives still need to be developed or improved. Dassault Systèmes believes in Brazil's potential to generate innovation in these and other sectors. We are present to support companies and institutions that want to embark on this journey.
4.            How should vertical integration between business and manufacturing occur, in the company's view?
Vertical integration concerns the creation of a network of flexible and easily reconfigurable production systems in factories, which can adapt in real time to variations in demand, product specifications, availability of resources and materials or any other change. unforeseen circumstances in the production environment, in order to continue meeting demand within the parameters of optimum time, quality and cost, defined by the company's business systems. For this, both manufacturing and business systems need to become more agile and flexible, exchanging information transparently, bidirectionally and in real time. Modularity allows the industry to be flexible, so that it is able to adapt to necessary changes and deal with customizations at the last minute.
5.            How does Dassault Systèmes position itself within the perspective of Industry 4.0? What kind of services and support will you offer?
Dassault Systèmes has been actively participating in initiatives such as Industry 4.0 and Industry of the Future, supporting our customers in 12 different industrial sectors and in more than 140 countries. As a result, we have accumulated vast experience that goes far beyond providing our 3DEXPIERENCE platform to support our clients' business processes. We also have the market knowledge to help companies define the best strategy to deal with the challenges and opportunities that arise. An ecosystem of own resources and partners to provide services and training necessary for the implementation and support of solutions. We are still working in a strong alliance with the academic sector to promote the training of new generations of professionals who will supply the market with the necessary skills and knowledge to make the promises of this new Industrial Revolution a reality.
6.            There is fear that the technology could generate unemployment. How does Dassault Systèmes evaluate the role of people in this digital manufacturing transformation process?
Every change in technology generates this fear of unemployment, but what we believe is that jobs and opportunities actually migrate from one place to another. The automobile industry event generated great unemployment in the carriage manufacturing sector, but those who knew how to adapt and learn the new technology got better jobs in the new industry that was emerging. Dassault Systèmes believes that people will play a key role in this new industrial environment, as agile and creative planners, supervisors and decision makers, dealing with exceptions and non-conformities that automatic systems and intelligent machines are not able to handle autonomously . This will require another worker profile, able to solve problems based on information, and prepared to work with new tools, such as dashboards and software for analyzing operational data. As in the transition from carriages to automobiles, whoever adapts faster to the demands of this new scenario will not suffer from unemployment, but will actually have great opportunities for professional development. Changing profiles will not be easy, not everyone will be able to do it, and it has to start now.
7.            What are Dassault Systèmes' plans for the Brazilian market?
Dassault Systèmes continues to believe in the Brazilian market, as it has always done since it settled in the country. We believe that the size of our market, the diversity of our industry, the abundance of our resources and the creativity of the Brazilian people are factors that point to a very promising future. We are aware of the difficulties the country is facing at the moment, but we believe that Brazilian society will come out of this crisis strengthened. For all this, Dassault Systèmes has invested in Brazil over the last few years, increasing the team, improving facilities and infrastructure, training professionals and partners and, increasingly, working with our customers to implement, today, the concepts of revolution and future in the industry, demonstrating in practice that we are prepared to continue supporting our customers in their journey towards the future.

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