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This Thursday morning (08/02), the Director of Government Relations, Marcelo Almeida, represented ABES at the meeting of the Knowledge-Based Services Chamber, held within the scope of the MDIC Commerce and Services Forum, maintained by the Ministry of Development , Industry, Commerce and Services.

During the meeting, optimization mechanisms for exporting services were discussed. The Secretary of Foreign Trade highlighted the importance of conceptualizing the export of services objectively. To this end, the need for approval of PLP 463/2017 was addressed to resolve the concept of services for export purposes. Furthermore, the ministry presented Decree 11,593/2023, which deals with the export culture of Brazilian products.

ABES played an important role in the meeting by contributing to the presentation of the Brazilian Software Market Study – Panorama and Trends. This study reveals fundamental data on the sector and helps in the creation of work plans to optimize the export of various Brazilian products related to information technology, which includes different types of software, internet of things technologies and much more. ABES is committed to driving the growth of the IT sector, which is strategic in the global market.

Furthermore, Marcelo also presented the proposal for “Mobilization for the Reduction of Inequality” to Mr. Antonio Juliani, from the MDIC's Green Economy Secretariat, in the hope of attracting support so that the mobilization can gain more scale. “Mobilization to reduce inequality” is the name of the campaign launched by ABES, in partnership with ReUrbi and the Third Sector Observatory, with support from the Weber Shandwick agency. It aims to support social inclusion projects that promote training in the digital area, through resources obtained by recycling IT equipment (notebooks, PCs, racks, etc.) discarded by companies that join the initiative.

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