
In the webinar ABES NEW TIMES: LIFE IN THE CITIESResearchers and engineers from major companies in Brazil will debate urbanization and how technology can help solve issues of the environment, mobility and society. The online event will take place on August 5, at 2:30 pm, and has the support of the Movimento Brasil, País Digital, Bertha Capital, BR Angels, Bossa Nova Invest, Kyvo and Startup Farm, partners of the ABES Startup Internshinp Program.

As part of the context of life in cities, topics such as climate change, pollution and urban planning will be discussed and how all of this needs the help of technology to slow the deterioration process of urban habitat and adjust the route for development associated with sustainability. Meet the participants:


Prof. Marcos Buckeridge  - Full Professor at the USP Biosciences Institute; Director of the Institute of Biosciences at the University of São Paulo. At the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA), he is coordinator of the USP Global Cities Program.

Tatiana Tucunduva P. Cortese - Post Doc Researcher at USP, at the Institute for Advanced Studies - Global Cities Program. Professor at UNINOVE of the Academic Master in Smart and Sustainable Cities - PPGCIS.

Fabiano Sabatini  - Technical account engineer at Intel Brasil. With experience in electronic engineering and IT, he is one of those responsible for identifying opportunities and developing solutions using the latest technologies from Intel.

Marcelo Nery - Collaborating Researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies - USP Global Cities program and Technology Transfer Coordinator at the Center for the Study of Violence at USP - CEPID-FAPESP.

Fabio Jardim - Technology Manager, responsible for the hardware and software development team for Internet of Things (IoT) solutions at Logicalis, where he has worked as a systems engineer and telecommunications engineer.

Debora Sotto - Post-Doc Researcher at USP, at the Institute for Advanced Studies - Global Cities Program and Attorney of the Municipality of São Paulo.

Roxane D - since 2017, she has been a presenter and editor of Jornal da USP no Ar. Journalist for 15 years at Rádio CBN, in addition to Rádio e TV Cultura and Rádio Estadão ESPN. In 2008 and 2009, she received the Trophy Woman Press as Best Radio Anchor.

We look forward to your participation in this event!


Date: August 8, Wednesday
Time: 2:30 pm

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