
VTEX, a digital commerce platform with operations in more than 42 countries, has open positions for new employees who dream of working with the best technology professionals in the market and want to participate actively in global challenges. To ensure everyone's safety, the company has adopted the home office as a mandatory measure since the beginning of social isolation and the entire selection process has been carried out online. By the end of the year, the company expects to hire around 160 new employees.

“In a situation like this, VTEX decided to keep the calendar of actions to encourage education and offered all the content online. Considering the last quarter, for example, more than 113 employees took courses and language updates. The incentive to read also generated good results, since the purchase of books indicated by the company has tripled, compared to the beginning of the year ”, says Flavia Vergili, global director of people at the company.

Open positions for technology professionals

With the acceleration of digital transformation, the company's focus is mainly on hiring senior professionals. Vacancies are available for Software Engineers and other technology positions, such as Product Designers and Data Scientists, starting immediately. “I had the opportunity to work in large companies, such as Globo and Facebook, before choosing to come to VTEX, and being able to build a promising future in a global company with Brazilian DNA is inspiring. This opportunity to have a laboratory to test hypotheses and learn from the results is a unique opportunity in the career of any software engineer ”, comments Bernardo Heynemann, engineering director of VTEX IO and the infrastructure team.

With almost 700 employees in 10 countries and 16 cities, the company seeks in addition to specific technical knowledge. For leadership positions, communication skills are one of the main requirements. The company has more than 3 thousand customers - among them Nestlé, Ambev, Coca Cola, Sony, Motorola, L & #39; oréal, among others around the globe - and, in the last 5 years, it has presented an organic growth of 43%, moving towards being the Brazil's next unicorn company. To have access to all vacancies and sign up, just access the link:

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