
Márcio França, secretary of Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation and vice-governor of the State of São Paulo, announced, during a meeting of the Secretariat on the 22nd, the construction of an ambitious technological model space at the Technological Research Institute. “The IPT will start the construction of a smart city on its campus, with all its functionalities interconnected, which will serve as a prototype for mayors and secretaries to know the concept in practice”, he said.
Smart cities are places that use integrated technological solutions in the areas of urban mobility, sanitation and environmental management, promoting sustainability and better quality of life for the population. As explained by Alessandro Santiago dos Santos, researcher at the IPT's Automation, Governance and Mobility Section, the objective of the project is for the Institute to be a permanent space for the practice and demonstration of technological solutions. “The idea is that we make the IPT campus an environment where these technologies and solutions can be experimented, applying our knowledge to a better city, both in terms of intelligence and sustainability”, he explains.
Companies and institutions interested in contributing ideas and supporting the project through partnerships were invited, through a public call, to participate in a workshop to expose, detail and debate ideas on January 23 at the Institute. The event was opened by IPT's CEO, Fernando Landgraf, to speak to the public about the activities that are already being developed at the Institute and their importance in the technological development of the state. “We are here to help industry, government and society to face the challenges of our time through, for example, inspection and monitoring of works, advice and consultancy for government and companies and offering solutions for management and planning” , says.
The competences that the IPT has were combined into four blocks for the first phase of implementation of the concept: environment, smart buildings, public services and smart mobility. For each block, the solutions proposed by the researchers and collaborators were presented, such as the management of urban afforestation, monitoring of natural disasters, solid waste management, use of rainwater, intelligent public lighting, automated inspection of storm sewers and intelligent traffic lights, among others.
By the end of 2018, the environment should have been created in São Paulo and will demonstrate its technologies through control centers, smartphones, digital maps, technology gallery and visits to physical facilities. During the event, the researchers responsible for the solutions were available to the public for debate and clarification of doubts regarding their respective competences.

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