
Registration is open until 04/08 and must be completed via the website:, address brings together all the information about the selection process

The Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (Univesp), linked to the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation, has registrations open for 23,322 vacancies of the 2024 annual Entrance Exam, aimed at 425 poles, from 371 municipalities (capital, interior and coast). To the capital are 4,632 vacancies, in 52 centers, located in the Unified Educational Centers of São Paulo city hall, in all areas of the city (see table below). Nine courses are offered: Literature, Mathematics and Pedagogy (Degree Axis), Data Science, Computer Engineering and Information Technology (Computing Axis), and Administration, Production Engineering and Technology in Management Processes (Business and Production Axis ). Registration ends on the day 04/08/24, at 9pm, and must be done via the website: The test (objective and essay) will take place on the day 26/05, at 1pm, and the official locations will be announced on the day 21/05, from 3pm. The start of classes is scheduled for the end of July 2024. This year, Univesp also offered 2,610 places for the Provão Paulista. Those approved also enter in July.  

The registration cost is R$ 52.00. To participate, there is no age limit, just have completed high school or have completed it by the time of registration. When filling out the registration form, candidates must complete all the steps provided, answer the socioeconomic questionnaire, indicate their CPF and their personal data. It will also be possible, if you wish, to provide the registration numbers for the National High School Exam (Enem), 2021, 2022 and 2023, so that the results can be considered in the objective test and integrated into the final grade. If the ENEM 2023 score is not released by April 8, it will not be valid for this selection process. In the entrance exam, there will also be the Added Points System for Blacks, Browns and Indians (PPI) and for students who studied high school in public schools. 

The official answer sheet will be published in 27/05from 3pm, on the entrance exam website. The official publication of the result and the first call will take place in 25/06, from 3pm. 


In the Computing Axis, the courses are Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology – BTI (lasting three years), Bachelor's Degree in Data Science (four years) or Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering (five years). Up to a year and a half the cycle is basic, with the possibility of migrating between one of the three courses. Those entering the Bachelor's Degrees will attend a one-year basic cycle, with the option of changing their qualifications from the second year onwards in Literature, Mathematics or Pedagogy (all lasting four years). Those who choose the Business and Production Axis will study a basic year and, in the second, will make the definitive choice between Technology in Management Processes (three years), Bachelor's Degree in Administration (four years) or Bachelor's Degree in Production Engineering (five years) . 

According to the president of Univesp, professor Marcos Borges, the Axis entry model guarantees the student more flexibility in choosing, better understanding of the training itinerary, in addition to integration with graduates from other qualifications, which contributes to their training and development of multidisciplinary integrative projects. “Our activities are designed to support students in their training process, guarantee quality and prepare professionals for the job market”, he states. 

The courses, completely free, are held in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), an online platform in which students carry out academic activities, which include watching video classes, accessing teaching material, digital libraries and answering questions about the content with facilitators. The hubs are physical spaces where students have infrastructure (computers, printers and internet access) and carry out activities, such as tests and group discussions. Academic secretary services and clarification of doubts can also be requested on site. All video classes can also be accessed on the YouTube channel: . 

Find out more about the . 

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2024 Entrance Exam Schedule

Entrance Exam Schedule Dates


From 3pm on 02/06 until 9pm on 04/08/24

Registration for the 2024 Entrance Exam on the website: (all steps described in the schedule will be at the address)

From 3pm on 02/06 until 9pm on 02/16/2024

Registration for exemption and registration fee reduction

03/05/24, from 3pm

Disclosure of the results of the analysis of requests for exemption and reduction in registration fees

03/06 and 03/07/24

Appeal regarding the rejection of the application to reduce the registration fee through the website:

03/20/24, from 3pm

Disclosure of the analysis of appeals for exemption requests and registration fee reductions.

04/22/24, from 3pm

Disclosure of the results of the analysis of requests for differentiated service and use of social name

04/23 and 04/24/24

Appeal regarding the rejection of the request for differentiated service and use of social name

04/26/24, from 3pm

Disclosure of the analysis of resources for requests for differentiated service and use of social name

05/21/24, from 3pm

Official publication of test locations and call for tests (

26/05/24 (starts at 1pm)

Application of the objective test and writing

05/27/24, from 3pm

Publication of the official test answer sheet

05/27/24, from 3pm, until 05/29/24

Appeal regarding the Official Template

06/06/2024, from 3pm

Disclosure of the analysis of appeals against the Official Template

06/25/24, from 3pm

Official publication of the result and the 1st call on the website:

06/27 to 07/01/24

Date for candidates called in the 1st call to enroll.

07/10/24, from 3pm

Publication of the 2nd call on the website:

07/11 to 07/16/24

Date for candidates called in the 2nd call to enroll.

07/17/24, from 3pm

Publication of the 3rd call on the website:

07/18 and 07/19/24

Date for candidates called in the 3rd call to enroll.


Start of the academic period


About Univesp

Created in 2012, the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo is an institution exclusively for distance education, maintained by the State Government and linked to the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation. Among its main partners, the universities USP, Unesp, Unicamp and the Centro Paula Souza (CPS) stand out. Univesp has more than 70 thousand students, between undergraduate and postgraduate, and nine courses: Literature, Mathematics, Pedagogy, Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology (BTI), Bachelor's Degree in Data Science, Computer Engineering, Production Engineering, Administration and Management processes. The courses are carried out in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), through video classes, digital libraries, pedagogical content and forums, which guarantee interaction between the student and the facilitator. In 2024, the university has 427 centers and is present in 373 municipalities in the State, 57% of the São Paulo territory, which are home to more than 92% of the São Paulo population.

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