
Certification attests adoption of best practices in software management
BSA – The Software Alliance, a global leader in the defense of the software industry before governments and in the international market, formalized, on May 7, the Verafirm certification of the Centro Adventista de São Paulo (UNASP). UNASP consists of three university campuses – one in the capital, São Paulo; another in the city of Hortolândia, where the headquarters are located; and the third in Engenheiro Coelho, in the interior of the state. All units will receive certification, in what will be the first Verafirm network concession in Brazil. 
The Verafirm certification, recognized globally, attests any company, whatever the size and segment, as an organization that adopts the best practices in software management (Software Asset Management - SAM), in accordance with the international standards of ISO 19770-1 . By obtaining Verafirm, the company is not only assured that it is operating to global standards of excellence and that it is optimizing its software investments, but it also gains the benefit of abstaining from software auditing for two years, provided manufacturers participating in the certification. 
To receive Verafirm certification, UNASP implemented the best practices for managing its software assets, in accordance with international standards, and then underwent an external audit that proved the success of the operation. The entire process took two months. In order to maintain and systematize these practices in the long term and in accordance with the reality of the center, UNASP has been completing the BSA course for Software Asset Management (SAM). “The Software Asset Management (SAM) course was designed for IT professionals, but it can be extended to other executives, as technology becomes more and more strategic within companies”, says Frank Caramuru, director of BSA in Brazil. “It supports certified companies to maintain the benefits arising from Verafirm”, he adds.  
Benefits of software management 
“It's not just a stamp. Verafirm offers, in addition to certification, educational tools to help companies of all sizes adopt best practices in software management and ensure strong IT administration. In other words, it helps companies discover if they really need all the software they buy, if they are up to date with their licenses, and how they can be more effective in this administration, saving time, efficiency and saving money”, says Jodie Kelley, leader of BSA for Verafirm and anti-piracy certification programs in Brazil and worldwide. According to a survey carried out by the BSA with IT directors, for 50% of them, managing the licenses of software assets is precisely the main organizational challenge in the area.  
According to a survey by the International Data Corporation (IDC), 56% of companies that adopted a software asset management process found they had more tools than they really needed. On the other hand, 38% had insufficient licenses. The same global survey showed that organizations lose an average of US$ 407.00 in software licensing costs per computer, per year.  
According to Kelley, the main benefits of certification for companies are: return on the money invested, since 80% of certified companies reduces their licensing costs by 35%; tolerance in audits, as certification exempts the company from auditing processes for two years, and more information security and global recognition. 

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