
In order to find innovative solutions to improve urban mobility, Uber announces the first edition of Uber HACK – The Mobility Hackathon. The challenge, unprecedented in Brazil, will invite the community passionate about technology to create or rethink urban mobility projects based on models that can even be integrated into the Uber app.
The hackathons will be held between March and June, in six stages: Porto Alegre, Fortaleza, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Recife and São Paulo. Each of the local winners, who will be defined by a judging panel made up of Uber experts and members of the local government, will present their solutions in the final stage of the challenge, which takes place on June 5, in São Paulo. The final winning team will win a trip to Uber's technology center in Pittsburgh (USA) to get a closer look at the self-driving car technology being developed by the company.
"The hackathon, the model chosen for Uber HACK, has challenge as a great ingredient, with a hint of fun. People give their knowledge and time to analyze data and try to solve problems with creative solutions. This whole process leaves a legacy of great value for the community", says Guilherme Telles, general director of Uber in Brazil. 
"By opening its doors to these developers and rewarding good ideas, Uber once again underlines its commitment to the future of cities, always seeking to integrate its platform to offer an increasingly reliable and accessible mobility option for all" , adds Telles.
Registration for the first stage, which takes place in Porto Alegre, will be open from March 8 to 19, 2018, through the website The full Uber HACK regulation and the registration deadlines for the other stages are also available on the website.
Uber HACK steps:
March 24th and 25th: Porto Alegre
April 7th and 8th: Fortaleza
April 21st and 22nd: Belo Horizonte
May 5th and 6th: Brasilia
May 19 and 20: Recife
June 2nd and 3rd: Sao Paulo
June 5: Final stage in São Paulo


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