
Developed and implemented by Seal Telecom, a solution for capturing, editing, automating, transcribing and indexing audio and video in the judging sessions, the project is recognized as the best in the PMI Bahia Best of the Year Award

Three years ago, when she started her activities in the Recordings and Records Coordination, linked to the Judiciary Secretariat of the Court of Justice of Bahia (TJBA), the civil servant Ive Alencar realized that it was necessary to start a program to modernize the registration of the 2nd . degree, since in comparison with other courts in Brazil, the equipment used was outdated and no longer efficient for the current moment.

As a result, the TJBA opened a bidding process and Seal Telecom, an integrator of solutions for the transformation of justice, was the winner to develop and implement the automation project.

Agility: from three months to 72 hours

“With the implementation of the SEAL Telecom system, we were able to obtain, after publishing the event, a summary of what happened in each session, through indexing, as well as identifying any process judged by its number. The audio editing that was sometimes done in five hours, today is done in two minutes. Before the Conecta system, we worked with shorthand notes and dealt with the shortage of manpower and the delay in carrying out tasks. The Full Court, for example, took about three months to be transcribed. Now, we are able to deliver the order in a maximum of 72 hours. It is a great advance for the court and for the Bahian jurisdictions, as they are now able to watch the trial sessions live and have access to audio and video whenever they want”, explains Ive Alencar.

The modernization of the judgments led TJBA to win the PMI Bahia Best of the Year Award, in the best project category, which was managed by PMP (Professional Project Manager), Nildete Gavazza, who was also awarded for conducting the project. “This recognition is undoubtedly due to the implementation of Conecta together with the automation of the complete system and to the company's professionals always willing to help, giving the necessary support even from afar, to the daily and arduous work of the servers that embraced the project and adapted to the new and to the unconditional support of SEJUD and the Presidency of the TJBA”, adds the coordinator.

Ive says that the more intimacy the servers establish with the implemented technology, the more gains they get. “To facilitate the work of chamber secretaries and lawyers, we were able to set timers so that they can know how much time they have available and, thus, manage oral arguments”, he explains.

Process automation

“Seal Conecta has been developed for more than a decade in order to facilitate the routine of justice. “Long before the CNJ regulated and encouraged the digital recording of hearings through audio and video, we were already developing and implementing Seal Conecta systems in the most important courts in Brazil, and these are digitally transforming Brazilian justice”, explains Alexandre Novakoski, VP of RTD Solutions for Digital Transformation by Seal Telecom.

“Each year, we invest more in R&D of solutions through our creative office, whose mission is to imagine, create and develop solutions for the future of Brazilian justice. All this makes Seal Conecta, today, considered the most modern solution in the world for recording, indexing, storing, transcribing and distributing audiences”, he adds.

With easy integration with all databases and electronic judicial systems, the software has eight modules that can meet the most specific needs of Brazilian justice. Among them is the distribution of recordings for restricted access, the holding of hearings at a distance through videoconferences, or even the automatic transcription of audio to text.

In addition, Seal Conecta has a modern, easy-to-use interface, allowing the recording of videos in different formats, and can also be accessed remotely via the internet.


Seal Conecta was developed to be used in a critical mission environment, making the core activity of any court or police station run without failures and interruptions. In addition, its architecture was created to provide high security to the recordings, attaching them to a digital certificate against tampering and allowing the storage to be carried out in its own storage infrastructure at the recording location, in centralized recording, in cloud storage. or all three options simultaneously.

The capture and digital recording provided by Seal Conecta are fundamental for the agility of justice and access to information. And to ensure that the solution is always in full operation, Seal Telecom also provides all the necessary support, including implementation consulting, monitoring NOC, continuous updates and evolutions in the system and preventive and corrective maintenance with immediate action 24×7.

Currently, Seal Conecta is among the most important justice entities in Brazil, such as the Federal Supreme Court (STF), the Federal Public Ministry (PGR/MPF), the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region (TRF4), the Santa Catarina Court of Justice (TJSC). ), Minas Gerais Court of Justice (TJSC), Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region (TRF2), among others.

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