
TransUnion, an information solutions company, launches in Brazil the new version of Crivo, the company's decision program that facilitates the definition and management of credit, risk, fraud and collection policies. Called Sieve 4.5, the novelty will bring benefits for process automation, decision making, platform usability and results tracking through new features, such as parameterization of scorecards, in addition to others designed for risk management and decision making. decision.
With access to more than 600 data sources already integrated, the new version of Crivo will give customers greater autonomy to apply predictive intelligence in their actions with an exclusive scorecard editor. With it, it will be possible to define different models to identify user profiles and more appropriate actions. In addition, Crivo has a module for data extraction and independent reports with managerial and strategic information for customers to use. The scorecard editor is able to import statistical models defined in PMML, the main international standard language used to represent such models.
“The new Crivo will help companies to better understand their consumers and thus take more assertive actions and allied with the business strategy” comments Juarez Zortea, president of TransUnion in Brazil.
Crivo 4.5 also brings news for the definition of rules, giving greater flexibility and customization power to customers. The so-called “Champion X Challenger” is dedicated to the experiments of experimentation and controlled tests, while the Matrix expands the possibilities of parameterization of criteria and policies, with new usability features, generating operational gain by optimizing the parameterization process, besides being more friendly to the person responsible for configuring the business rules. The new Crivo will also allow updating of data sources with autonomy to the responsible sectors within the companies.
“Crivo enables the automation of processes for the analysis of profiles and the improvement of risk decisions for many of our clients in Brazil, mainly for the financial, insurance, telecommunication, retail and collection segments. We brought news with the objective of increasing usability, expanding the monitoring of results and making risk decisions much more sophisticated ”, says the executive.
The solution allows companies to evaluate the customer portfolio, define marketing actions, collection and management of credit limits, through the massive and real-time use of internal and external information and automated decisions.

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