
*By Ana Cláudia Donner Abreu

Digital Transformation has been a global phenomenon that is redefining the way we live, relate to each other and, especially, how we work.s. With the accelerated advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), organizations are adopting a series of digital innovations to improve their efficiency, productivity and competitiveness. However, this transformation brings with it a series of challenges and significant impacts on the labor market. Therefore, the implementation of public policies that can guarantee that society obtains the maximum benefit from this phenomenon becomes a central element for the development of our country. 

With the automation of repetitive tasks with low added value, the demand for certain professions is expected to decrease significantly, but on the other hand, new skills will be required to deal with technological advances, such as programming, data analysis, cybersecurity and design. Artificial intelligence, for example, is increasingly able to perform complex functions, replacing people in sectors such as manufacturing, customer service and even in creative tasks, such as producing journalistic content. 

These changes will require people to adapt quickly and constantly to an ever-evolving world of work. In a context where not all people will have the same qualification and requalification opportunities, there is a risk of accentuating social and economic inequalities. In this way, digital technologies and digital literacy training opportunities must be equally distributed in order to avoid the emergence of a “digital divide” between those who have the resources and knowledge to adapt and thrive, and those who remain on the margins of society. 

And here comes the role that should be played by public policies, which should focus on promoting equitable training and education of our workforce. Professional qualification programs must be implemented, with the aim of training workers for the new demands of the digital market. In addition, it is essential to provide equal access to educational resources, such as internet access and technological devices. 

Public policies should also encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in the context of Digital Transformation. It is necessary to create a favorable environment for the emergence and growth of startups and small businesses, which are often responsible for driving technological innovation. This can be done through tax incentives, facilitated access to financing and resources, as well as the creation of spaces for coworking and business incubators. Fostering the creation of digital companies contributes to the creation of jobs and the strengthening of the economy. 

As the world of work changes, it is essential that public policies ensure the protection of labor rights. This includes regulating issues such as remote working, occupational health and safety in digital environments, work-life balance, and ensuring fair and decent working conditions. 

Cybersecurity and data protection are essential concerns in the digital age. Public policies must establish norms and regulations to protect the privacy and security of citizens and organizations. This includes creating laws that regulate the collection, use and sharing of personal data, as well as investments in infrastructure. 

In short, public policies should focus on reducing inequalities, promoting training and education, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, protecting labor rights, as well as cybersecurity and data protection. Only through a comprehensive set of public policies (which largely already exist in our country) that address these issues in an integrated manner, will it be possible to take advantage of the benefits of the Digital Transformation of Work and minimize its negative impacts. 

It is essential that governments, organizations, academia and civil society work together to address these challenges. Collaboration between these actors can drive the creation of more effective public policies, as well as the implementation of programs that promote sustainable development, innovation and equity. Therefore, there is an urgent need to adopt comprehensive and future-oriented approaches. Digital Transformation is underway, and political action is key to shaping its impact and ensuring a promising future of work for all.

*Ana Cláudia Donner Abreu is a THINK TANK ABES Researcher – IEA/USP and Senior Researcher at the Integration Engineering and Knowledge Governance Laboratory at PPGEGC/UFSC

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