Busy schedule, countless information to manage and transition between different locations are part of the daily life of more than 240 thousand doctors who work in clinics in Brazil, according to demography of the sector carried out by the University of São Paulo. With an eye on this scenario, TOTVS has evolved its solution for medical offices, Fly01 Saúde, which now has mobility resources to simplify the daily routines of these professionals.
Hosted in the cloud, the tool meets these needs and allows doctors to access agenda and patient information from anywhere and at any time, enabling care regardless of where they are. In addition, the solution has a responsive design and can be accessed from any device, whether desktop, tablet or smartphone.
Fly01 Saúde also simplified filling in the electronic medical record, which now has the ICD 10 (International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems) and procedures (TUSS) tables already configured. In addition to reducing filling time, with the solution, doctors now have all their patients' information, such as diagnoses, procedures, evolution and exams, including imaging tests, gathered in one place.
Another feature that will facilitate the day to day of professionals is the medical agenda. With an innovative and easy-to-use design, it is possible to customize the opening hours according to the needs of each doctor. The tool also has pre-configured models of recipes, certificates and exam requests, which can be printed directly from the system.
However, the news goes beyond the day to day of doctors. The new Fly01 Saúde has a management dashboard, thus enabling the visualization of the appointment queue and statistics of the services performed, which allows a better understanding of your patients, in general, and visibility of budget forecasts.
“TOTVS already had a solution for consulting rooms. However, given the changes in people's behavior, we decided to develop a completely new solution to meet the needs of these professionals. Now, doctors can count on a mobile tool, easy to use and storage of data and exams, allowing greater productivity and better patient care”, says Eros Jantsch, head of Micro and Small Business at TOTVS.

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