
In the accumulated period between January and September 2015, the Information Technology (IT) sector remained the leader in mergers and acquisitions and accounted for 109 transactions. Compared to the same period last year, the segment shows a growth of 31%, since in 2014 the survey showed 83 mergers and acquisitions operations. The data are included in the mergers and acquisitions survey, which assesses 43 market sectors, carried out and released quarterly by KPMG.
“During the past three quarters, the mark of 54 transactions of the domestic type – between companies with Brazilian capital – proved to be relevant, as the fact demonstrates an active market, which continues to seek productivity and innovation for the country. On the other hand, the 31 transactions of the CB1 type indicate that Brazil remains in evidence and under the eyes of foreign businessmen and investors. In general, the scenario is positive”, comments Luís Motta, lead partner in the Mergers and Acquisitions area at KPMG in Brazil.
Internet companies
In the same period, another sector that stood out is the Internet Companies, also known as ''. 59 operations were recorded, 30 of the domestic type and 18 of the CB1 type.
Compared to the same period in 2014, when 74 transactions were accounted for, the sector showed a decline of 20%. However, the segment ranks third best and regularly follows IT among the sectors with the highest number of mergers and acquisitions.
  • IT Transactions: accumulated 3rd quarter of 2014
Domestic CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 Total
 48  27  2  4 12  –    83
  • IT Transactions: accumulated 3rd quarter of 2015
Domestic CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 Total
 54  31  8 1 15  –    109
  • Transactions of Internet Companies: accumulated 3rd quarter of 2014
Domestic CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 Total
 28  42  –  2 2  –    74
  • Transactions of Internet Companies: accumulated 3rd quarter of 2015
Domestic CB1 CB2 CB3 CB4 CB5 Total
 30  18  3  – 8  –    59
Domestic Transactions: between companies with Brazilian capital
CB1: Company with majority foreign capital acquiring, from Brazilians, capital of a company established in Brazil.
CB2: Company with majority Brazilian capital acquiring, from foreigners, capital of a company established abroad.
CB3: Company with majority Brazilian capital acquiring, from foreigners, capital of a company established in Brazil.
CB4: Company with majority foreign capital acquiring, from foreigners, capital of a company established in Brazil.
CB5: Company with majority foreign capital acquiring, from Brazilians, capital of a company established abroad.

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