
Main benefits were acceleration of the sales process and optimization of inventory

Termoprol Zanotti Equipamentos Frigoríficos, a company with 33 years of experience in the refrigeration segment, implemented Totvs' ERP to improve the organization's control and management. The project started in February 2015 and employees are already making full use of the system's functionalities. Among the main benefits found by Termoprol are the acceleration of the sales process and the logistical improvement of the stock.
With a lean schedule, the project was made possible due to the efficient internal organization of the company and the training carried out via e-learning by Totvs, which made it possible for employees to adapt quickly. “Due to the formatting of online manuals and the performance of Totvs consultants, we had an excellent adaptation to the new tool. In addition, we established a macro flow with the practical functionalities related to the operation within the system ”, explains Termoprol's industrial director, Bernardo Ronchetti.
According to the executive, another differential of Totvs' ERP is the possibility of configuring the product natively. “Our company has been working with software modularization for many years, but we needed to improve our data management systems, the items included in them and the manufacturing processes. Totvs' solution offers this in the product configuration, which today is done directly by the commercial, ”reports Ronchetti. The manager also explains that the investment in IT has optimized the routine of commercial orders. “We identified a noticeable improvement in accelerating the inclusion of the order until the invoice was issued. Before, it took us almost a day to process a parts order, today we do it in less than twenty minutes ”, exemplifies Termoprol's industrial director.
Another area that will be directly benefited is that of stock due to increased reliability in the process, control of movements and flexibility in operations provided by the system. Termoprol estimates a period of around three years for the return on the investment made, based on the reduction of waste and improper purchases and an increase in the volume of business due to the acceleration of the sales process. 

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