
The RH Tech platform, an initiative of the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) for the development of new talents in the area of Information Technology and related areas, announces a strategic partnership with the Center for Business-School Integration (CIEE). From now on, the internship vacancies offered by CIEE can also be consulted in the Vacancy Panel module of the RH Tech platform.

With this integration, RH Tech users will have access to an even greater number of internship and job opportunities, allowing them to find vacancies that match their skills and interests. In addition, the platform also offers resources to help candidates prepare for the job market in the Technological Education Hub (courses) and in the Knowledge Hub (videos).

Work and internship opportunities

This partnership reinforces RH Tech's commitment to supporting the professional development of young talent and attracting professionals to the ICT sector. CIEE, meanwhile, can further expand the reach of its internship opportunities, helping to prepare the next generation of tech professionals.

RH Tech's first partnership for the vacancy panel was signed with Trampos, a platform specialized in job offers for digital transformation and in areas such as Marketing, Technology, Advertising, People and Relationship.

We believe that the alliances between the RH Tech platform, Trampos and, now, CIEE are very valuable for students, recent graduates and professionals in general, offering job opportunities that will help them build and strengthen their professional career.”, concludes Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation at ABES.

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