
Losses caused by cybercrime reached R$ 18 billion in Brazil
Symantec and the Organization of American States (OAS) have just released the Cybersecurity Trends in Latin America and the Caribbean' report, which outlines the threat landscape in the region and offers recommendations for increasing protection against cybercrime. The survey is a comprehensive document on cybersecurity in Latin America and includes information from the Global Intelligence Network of Symantec and OAS, as well as additional data from AMERIPOL (in Portuguese, Community of Police of America) and other international organizations.
From the perspective of Internet threats, targeted attacks are increasing in Latin America and have become more sophisticated. “In 2013, scams on social networks and the presence of banking threats multiplied across the region. In addition, upcoming international sporting events in Brazil, for example, could be the opportunity cybercriminals see to spread crime online,” says Cheri McGuire, vice president, Global Government Affairs and Cybersecurity Policy, Symantec . “The main challenge for countries in the region will be to accelerate the development of national policies and legal frameworks, in addition to strengthening technical skills to stay one step ahead of this growth in cyber attacks,” he added.
The report points out that more than 15% of targeted attacks registered in Latin America in 2013 targeted organizations between 501 and 1,000 employees. It also includes the Latin American ranking of malicious activity generated by country, in which Brazil appears in first place. Alone, the country reached the mark of US$ 8 billion (more than R$ 18 billion) in cybercrime losses.
“Protecting against cybersecurity threats has become a priority for different governments in the Americas. This study is part of a wide range of activities that the OAS Cybersecurity Program has implemented since the adoption of the Comprehensive Inter-American Cybersecurity Strategy in 2004,” comments the Organization of American States in its communiqué.
For more information and to obtain the full report, go to:


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