
In partnership with the Alura Para Empresas solution, the company plans to train 1,000 employees in digital skills by 2024

Suzano achieved R$ 3 million in savings in the last year after implementing a vehicle stuffing optimization project. The initiative is part of the company's Digital Transformation journey in partnership with Alura Para Empresas, a corporate education solution from the Alura ecosystem, aimed at boosting the use of technology in various areas of the company. Employees at Suzano, a global reference in the manufacture of bioproducts developed from the cultivation of eucalyptus, receive advisory follow-up and mentoring, in addition to lectures by specialists.

THE based on the development of digital skills, with knowledge in programming languages such as Python, in addition to mathematical modeling, the logistics team at Suzano's Paper and Packaging Business Unit created a project focused on improving cargo stuffing. The initiative makes it possible to transport more materials in the same vehicle, generating financial and operational gains, in addition to the environmental benefits of the initiative.

The result of the project is the result of Suzano's digital transformation movement, which began in 2019 with a pilot group, focusing on training new data scientists. Currently, the company has six main pillars in its Digital Academy: data, open innovation, agility, development, creativity and digital strategy. With the construction of study trails for more than 1,300 courses for the Digital Academy, Suzano has already trained, in partnership with Alura Para Empresas, more than 200 people, and plans to train one thousand employees by 2024.

According to Suzano's Digital Engagement Consultant, Nathan Lara, the work started precisely with engagement campaigns and consultation with leaders. “This is an achievement that started from the top and that has impacted the teams in an organic way”, highlights the consultant. “We want to increasingly strengthen this technology learning culture, not only because of the financial impact, but because of the satisfaction in seeing employees engaged in this universe, creating innovative solutions in the most different areas”, he adds.

Adriano Almeida, co-founder and COO of Alura, encourages this reasoning by highlighting the enriching journey of participating in an action with purpose. “All movements have an impact at the end of the operation, which is why we develop people with a clear objective. In the end, we aggregate each one, as well as the entire ecosystem”, he explains.

Digital engagement boosting projects

In addition to the vehicle stuffing optimization project, two other initiatives reinforce the engagement of company employees in the digital transformation journey. One of them aims to train employees in the field of Artificial Intelligence, so that, for example, they can predict damage to pulp bales and reduce production losses. With the proposal to make this identification through computer vision and techniques of machine learning, all participating people increased productivity and safety at work. 

In addition, the digital skills of the company's teams also made it possible to develop a project centered on the agility and delivery of complex products, with monitoring of chemicals with greater impact. As a result, specific panels were built through the Power BI, the identification of product consumption gaps, greater autonomy of the areas in decision-making, decentralization of information, in addition to time optimization.

Currently, Suzano has 59 ongoing projects from its Digital Academy in different areas, such as People and Management, Logistics, Finance, Paper, Cellulose, among others. In all, there are 165 employees involved in these initiatives.

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