
A study by Serasa Experian shows that for every R$ 1 invested by banks and finance companies in their Hunter anti-fraud solution, the return is R$ 68, and that its application increases the preventive capacity of banks and finance companies by 36% in relation to traditional methods used to combat to this type of crime.

 “This happens because the system creates a base of information from different business areas, with the identification of fraudulent patterns and trends in portfolios of other products and services, which increases the preventive potential and the investigation of greater volumes of fraud”, says Marcelo Kekligian, President of Decision Analytics at Serasa Experian. 
Hunter promotes the cross-checking of available data and looks for inconsistencies between credit requests, in addition to highlighting the occurrence of simultaneous requests for other products, which can configure an attempt at fraud. 
One of the merits of the system is the generation of alerts indicating potentially fraudulent activities in the face of data that, with the application of traditional anti-fraud methods, would not be detected. “Hunter lets you stop criminals before they become customers. It is the most effective way to prevent damage to the profitability and performance of companies, helping the sustainable growth of the segment”, says the executive.

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