Brazil has legislation that aims to expand the presence of people with disabilities in the labor market. However, the country still has to overcome this challenge in order to increase the employability of people with disabilities. Factors such as lack of professional qualifications, failures in urban mobility conditions, companies that need to adapt their physical structure for the good reception of these employees can be cited as limiting further progress in this matter.
Fortunately, there are successful corporate inclusion programs in progress. This is the case of Softplan, one of the largest software companies in Santa Catarina, with around 1500 employees, which maintains an Inclusion and Training Program for PCD (Visually Impaired People). In order to share this good experience, the ABES portal interviewed Paula Rocha, Softplan's Human and Organizational Development analyst:
1)    When did Softplan start the Inclusion and Training Program for PCD (Visually Impaired People)? What are the main objectives of this program?
The program was created in October 2014, but began to be put into practice, effectively, in January 2015. The main objective is to have an inclusion and training program of its own so that Softplan seeks partners to attract candidates, to general technical training and have an internal team for specific technical training - thus training people internally. The program reflects Softplan's concern to effectively include people with disabilities, thinking about economic and social gains, failing to observe only the legal obligation.
2) How many visually impaired employees does the company currently have on its team?
Currently, we have eight visually impaired professionals, four of whom have total disabilities, one with low vision and three with monocular vision. It is worth mentioning that the teams also comprise three hearing impaired, four physically disabled and one intellectual disabled.
3) What are the main activities of this program?
The main activities are: 1) Attracting people - search for technology professionals who want to work with us; two) Team preparation - Awareness training and relationship with people with disabilities; Integration - Monitoring of the first weeks and adaptation in the company; and Permanent monitoring - Monthly meetings where they monitor their work activities and social issues within the company.
4) What are the differentials for including the visually impaired in the IT sector? How did the company adapt and guide other employees?
The inclusion of the visually impaired in the IT market is simple. They just need, in addition to computer knowledge, the screen reader installed on the computer. Most of them have the software on the USB stick and they install it themselves. The adaptation was smooth, however, relationship and awareness training was necessary. Many people did not know how to deal, get close and this hindered communication. Trainings were carried out with the teams, an institutional video about the program that included the participation of three visually impaired and one hearing person. In addition, communication actions are often carried out as articles in the monthly internal newspaper, blogs and website, in addition to informative emails.
5) Could you mention the main lessons learned from this program?
There are many learnings. Every day we learn more from the program and from them. I can cite the exchange of experiences as a great learning experience, the rewarding result with the social inclusion of people with disabilities, the opportunity that we have to learn more and more in living with them. We found that the vast majority of people are not prepared to deal with people with disabilities, however, it is not out of prejudice, but because of a lack of adequate information.
6) Does the company have any partnership with NGOs or institutes? If so, can you name which and how are these partners participating in the program?
Yes, we have many partnerships, they were and are important for the success of the program. I can cite as the most active: ACIC (Catarinense Association for the Integration of the Blind), ASGF (Deaf Association of Greater Florianópolis) and FCEE (Catarinense Foundation for Special Education). We work directly with them in the construction of our internal material, always seeking information about deficiencies. These associations are aware of our need to hire people with disabilities in the area of technology and send us resumes from candidates looking for them. We try to participate in the internal events of these NGOs and, thus, to know more and more the associations, the needs and the daily life of people with disabilities. This interaction is important, because knowing more and more this universe, we can include people in the areas in which they adapt better.
7) What are the goals for the coming years?
Our main objective is to achieve the goal set by the quota law. But, in addition, our goal for 2016 is to expand the options for internal training so that we can hire people with other types of disabilities and that they are integrated into more teams.
About Softplan
Softplan is one of the largest software companies in Santa Catarina, with around 1500 employees. He has been working for 24 years in the development of business management and public management software. Develops corporate solutions for specific business segments, focusing on five areas of activity: the construction industry; public administration; projects co-financed by international organizations; infrastructure, transport and works department; judiciary, prosecutors and prosecutors. Its solutions are already present in all Brazilian states, in Latin American countries and in the United States.

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