
*Per Ana Cláudia Donner Abreu

The future of work is closely linked to the evolution and application of new technologies, which not only drive significant changes in the professional environment, but also reconfigure the social context in profound and complex ways. As a result of these changes, traditional professions will be gradually replaced, but new job opportunities and unprecedented challenges will arise for the job market.

The concept of “creative destruction”, coined by Joseph Schumpeter, is useful in understanding this phenomenon. It describes an innovation process in which new products and services replace established companies and business models, fostering constant renewal in the economic structure.

In this changing scenario, driven by technological advancement, automation and artificial intelligence stand out as elements that significantly alter the nature of human work. With this evolution, digital literacy becomes essential for effective participation in the modern economy.

In this transformative environment, professions such as Artificial Intelligence specialists, data scientists, blockchain developers, cybersecurity specialists and digital content creators emerge. In this job market, the combination of technical skills with social skills is valued, and the importance of adaptability and continuous learning is highlighted, which will be essential to guarantee people's employability

The transformation in work models, marked by the increase in remote and hybrid work, as well as the expansion of the gig economy and freelancing, reflect the broader changes in the economic and social contexts mentioned above. These changes present significant challenges, ranging from regulatory issues to the social and economic impact of these new forms of employment. The adoption of these innovative work models presents a restructuring of work space and time, pointing to greater flexibility in the traditional concept of employment.

However, digital transformation also raises important concerns regarding its social and ethical impact, especially inequality in access to technologies and the opportunities they offer. Although technology can promote inclusion, it can also magnify pre-existing inequalities, creating a paradox that needs constant attention.

To address these challenges, there needs to be continued collaboration between governments, businesses and educational institutions to develop policies and strategies that not only respond to the needs of the labor market, but also promote equity and digital inclusion. This includes implementing professional training and retraining programs that can ensure people have the skills they need to thrive in the new digital economy.

The future of work goes beyond technological transformations, incorporating significant human and social development challenges. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome the digital divide in Brazil, which is widened by inequality in internet access, inadequate infrastructure and educational deficiencies, so that these barriers do not limit our future perspectives. The Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) plays a central role in this context, leading initiatives that aim to overcome these obstacles and foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment.

*Ana Cláudia Donner Abreu is a THINK TANK ABES Researcher – IEA/USP and Senior Researcher at the Knowledge Integration and Governance Engineering Laboratory at PPGEGC/UFSC. 

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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