
There are 45 vacancies and the entire process will be carried out in digital format; scholarship can reach R$ 2,850 

Registration is now open for the new edition of the Serasa Experian Internship Program, datatech, leader in intelligence solutions for analyzing risks and opportunities, focusing on credit journeys, authentication and fraud prevention. There are 45 vacancies aimed at students with higher education in Data and Technology, Finance, Marketing, Law, Economics, Product Management, among others, and graduation scheduled between June 2025 and June 2026. Applications can be made at program website. The entire selection, interview and hiring process will be carried out in digital format.  

The company offers a complete development path to train interns, in addition to the possibility of programmed progression. At this stage, the initial remuneration is R$ 2,150, reaching R$ 2,850 in the 13th month of operation, linked to individual development assessment, with the possibility of becoming effective from the 9th month. The opportunity to be hired starts from the 9th month, according to performance evaluation. Those who are hired will begin a new path, now as analysts, and will have continuous monitoring in the first stages of the journey.  

“Our objective is to create a conducive environment for students to shape the first years of their careers, receiving all the support and training necessary for professional progression. We are looking for talented people, eager to learn and grow, passionate about technology and data and who want to make the most of the gradual development journey offered by the company”, says the Director of Talent Management and Diversity at Serasa Experian, Gabriela Ferreira. 

Another highlight of the Serasa Experian Internship Program is the series of benefits offered. In addition to the grant in continuous progression format, Serasa Experian also offers benefits such as transportation vouchers, meal vouchers, medical and dental assistance, life insurance, Gympass and Totalpass, a 24-hour support channel for support on social issues, health, financial and legal, flexible hours and partnerships with language courses.  

Vacancies are distributed across Serasa Experian's headquarters cities  

The majority of vacancies are to work in the hybrid format (91%) and the others are for home office (7%) and in-person (2%). The positions are distributed between the cities of São Paulo (SP), São Carlos (interior of the state of SP) and Brasília (DF).  

To find out more and sign up for the Serasa Experian Internship Program, access here the website or scan the QR Code below!

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