Candidates for the Presidency in the 2018 Elections are invited to join the Seminar "Brazil 2030 - A Contribution from the Software and Technology Sector", scheduled for the next day August 20th, in Sao Paulo
Candidates for the Presidency of the Republic in the 2018 Elections are invited to participate in the Seminar "Brazil 2030 - A Contribution from the Software and Technology Sector", an initiative of the technology sector, organized by ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) with the support from industry associations, ASSESPRO (Association of Brazilian Information Technology Companies), ACATE (Catarinense Technology Association), FENAINFO (National Federation of Computer Companies) and SOFTEX (Association for the Promotion of Brazilian Software Excellence), to be held next August 20, just four days after the candidates' propaganda was released by the Electoral Justice.
The Seminar will take place during the 8th edition of the ABES Software Conference, at Espaço Trio Pérgola, in Vila Olímpia, south zone of São Paulo, an annual meeting promoted by the entity to bring together industry associations, businessmen, journalists, and government representatives on an agenda of debates on trends in the technology sector in the country.
"Our annual conference is a moment of reflection for the sector, in which some of the most influential figures in the technology sector are placed side by side to take stock of what is doing well and badly in the Brazilian market, as well as drawing up plans for the future.
This year, the organization expects the presence of 500 business leaders, in addition to the live video transmission, which should reach thousands of people ", comments Francisco Camargo, president of ABES.
"As this is an election year, the" Brazil 2030 Seminar ", to which all presidential candidates were invited, will be a unique opportunity to get to know more about their proposals for the Digital Transformation of Brazil. We want to debate what it is necessary, in terms of public policies, to accelerate Brazil's evolution towards a digital economy by 2030. According to several studies, the Global Digital Economy is expected to reach the amount of 23 trillion dollars in 2025. Our concern is with future generations and the benefits that these measures will be able to provide ", completes Francisco.
Francisco is one of the members of ABES Think Tank, a group created by the association in order to suggest public policies that lead to a national strategy for Digital Transformation.
The presidential candidates present at the seminar will receive the study "Brazil 2030", a survey with measures devised by this team of experts to guide Digital Transformation, the development of the Software and Technology sector and the insertion of Brazil in the value chains of the knowledge economy .
Also part of the ABES Think Tank are Dr. Dorothea Werneck, former Minister of Labor and Industry and Commerce; Dr. Deana Weikersheimer; professor at FGV and lawyer with extensive experience in the software area; Marcelo Pagotti, former SETIC secretary at the Ministry of Planning; Patricia Pessi, former director of Electronic Government at SLTI (now SETIC) of the Ministry of Planning; Rodolfo Fücher, former director of Public Policy at Microsoft and Vanda Scartezini, entrepreneur and advisor at ABES.
Based on the studies of Think Tank, the theme "Digital Transformation and Public Policies" is the focus of the ABES Software Conference debates. The guests discuss the necessary measures to put into practice the precepts defended by the sector to accelerate this transformation.
Five main points guide the debate:
1. Digital Transformation will separate modern countries from the rest;
2. Digital Transformation is done through Innovation;
3. Software is the basis of Digital Transformation;
4. Startups are important in the ecosystem and drive transformation.
5. Clear and modern public policies for promotion and taxation are fundamental for the software sector to be able to support the country's needs.
Seminar "Brazil 2030"
ABES Software Conference
Address: Espaço Trio Pérgola - Av. Eng. Luiz Carlos Berrini, 105 | Vl. Olímpia - São Paulo.
Time: 8h - 17h15 (ABES Software Conference) / 18h - 20h10 (Seminar "Brasil 2030")
About ABES
ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, is the most representative entity in the sector with around 2 thousand associated or associated companies, distributed in 23 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 200 thousand direct jobs and a turnover annual turnover of US$ 24 billion per year. The companies associated with ABES represent about 85% of the turnover of the software development and commercialization segment in Brazil.

Since its foundation, on September 9, 1986, the entity has exercised the mission of sectorial representation in the legislative and tax areas, in proposing and guiding policies aimed at strengthening the value chain of the Brazilian Software and Services Industry - IBSS, in defense intellectual property and combating piracy of national or international software and in supporting initiatives to promote research, development, innovation and the development of national software. Access the ABES Portal -  or talk to our Relationship Center: (11) 2161-2833.

ABES - Press contacts:
Weber Shandwick Brasil
PABX: (11) 3027-0200 / 3531-4950
Erika Borges - Telephone: (11) 3027-0212
Diego Fortunato  - Telephone: (11) 3027-0214
Ana Jones  - Telephone: (11) 3027-0200 Extension 312
Marina Farina  - Telephone: (11) 3027-0200 Extension 332

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