
Second notice of the Petrobras Connections for Innovation Program will accept projects on nine technological themes mapped from the company's innovation challenges

On May 11, Sebrae and Petrobras launched the second call for proposals for the Petrobras Program for Innovation - Startups Module, aimed at attracting technological solutions for goods and services from startups and small companies from all over the country. The new notice will provide up to R$ 10 million to enable the generation of innovations with effective implementation in the company's operations.

In view of the current atypical scenario, Petrobras continues to invest and seek innovative solutions to overcome its challenges, with a focus on efficiency, increased productivity and safety of its operations. The selection process will be conducted throughout this year and is expected to be completed in September.

Projects in the following areas may be registered: digital technologies, robotics, energy efficiency, catalysts, corrosion, carbon reduction, geological modeling, water inspection and treatment technologies. Each proposal may receive resources in the order of R$ 500 thousand, and may reach the limit of R$ 1 million depending on the value added to Petrobras' business.

The entrepreneurs will have the assistance of Petrobras and Sebrae, during and after the selection process, so that their solutions can be implemented and generate value in the short term. For projects successfully completed, Petrobras will seek to make continuity possible for the implementation and pilot testing phase. Registration will be open until June 28th and can be done through this link.

“Co-creating with startups is a natural decision for a company that looks to the future, that adds value to its business and promotes its cultural transformation. We want, through this second wave, to continue to encourage entrepreneurship, so that companies become part of Petrobras 'value chain and contribute to the technological evolution of the energy industry ”, says Petrobras' Director of Digital Transformation and Innovation, Nicolás Simone.

For the technical director of Sebrae, Bruno Quick, this is an opportunity to insert small innovative businesses in offering solutions for one of the largest Brazilian companies. "With this, we will support entrepreneurs in matters related to accountability, business management, market access and other consultancies that are necessary during the process, with the aim of allowing the development of projects to solve technological challenges presented by Petrobras", states.

Petrobras' proposal is to issue successive notices during the five years of the program, with resources of up to R$60 million from the Research and Development and Innovation clause, a legal counterpart for the operation of the oil companies. The program's first call for proposals, launched in July 2019, attracted candidates from all over the country and selected seven startups, among 261 registered.


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