Share offers new solutions to accelerate public and private sector reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic

Salesforce announces, a suite of new technology solutions and resources to help companies around the world restart their operations, putting the health and safety of employees and visitors first.

As there is a reduction in cases of COVID-19 contagion in most of the world, companies are starting to plan the reopening of their work environments. At this stage, companies will need to be well informed and keep up with changes in local and federal guidelines. And for that, tools that enable quick decision-making based on data, such as, will be great allies. includes the following solutions: Command Center – hub that allows organizations to have a 360º view of the scenario, supporting with data the decision-making related to the return to activities such as locations, employees and visitors. The hub also aids in data-driven decision making and more effective communication. The Command Center enables organizations to gather trusted data from internal applications and employee wellness surveys, create and scale-wide critical employee communications, and enforce public data through the Tableau COVID-19 data hub.

Contact Tracing – Allows public and private sector leaders to manually track health and relationship contacts, securely and privately. By collecting data from individuals infected or potentially exposed to the disease, the solution allows the creation of visual maps of contacts and locations to monitor possible outbreaks of contagion.

Emergency Response Management – a suite of products, built in collaboration with Accenture, that enables public health organizations, government agencies, and the private sector to manage all types of emergencies, deliver care to those affected, and quickly allocate resources and services. With the solution, public health institutions can protect communities from widespread impacts, enabling contact trackers to effectively record and understand data, perform rapid patient screening and assessment, and provide ongoing engagement and monitoring. Government agencies can streamline their operations and emergency response approvals, deploy resources and schedule emergency services.

employee wellness – Allows leaders to collect the data needed to monitor and analyze the health and well-being of employees and visitors. Companies can create employee health surveys, monitor wellness trends, and use data to make return-to-work decisions while keeping employee health information secure.

Shift Management – shift manager that allows organizations to orchestrate the eventual return of employees to the office through features that can help reduce office density. Additionally, organizations can avoid large groups in the office or elevators through spatial distances and scheduling breaks, including managing third-party vendors or services.

myTrailhead for Employees – provides content to help employees learn new ways to work with ready-made training, learning and wellness programs. In addition, employers can ensure that returning employees adhere to new security policies and have the information they need to succeed.

Volunteer & Grants Management – manages volunteers and donations. The solution will help organizations meet their aid goals through flexible and scalable tools that simplify the coordination and grantmaking processes. Any organization can now succeed by connecting the right volunteers to each event and automating the donation lifecycle to achieve greater impact.


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