
100% tool in the cloud provides the entrepreneur with agility and ease to manage the financial management of their company at an affordable price

Sage, a reference in cloud management solutions, has just launched a completely online software that guarantees financial management and control for micro-entrepreneurs. Sage Financeira does away with the use of paper and pen or computer spreadsheets to manage the company's income, expenses and cash flow in a quick and easy way at a price that fits in any businessman's pocket.

“According to data from Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses), one in four companies closes before completing two years of existence and among the main reasons is the difficulty of entrepreneurs in taking care of the financial management of the business. We are aware of this challenge and we are investing to support entrepreneurs with easy technology that simplifies this task and provides more efficiency for management, contributing to the company's continuity”, says Jorge Carneiro, president of Sage Brasil e América Latina.

The system is ideal for the entrepreneur to have access to basic financial controls that help them in decision making. A control panel with 7 business indicators (among them a cash flow graph) provides the entrepreneur with important information that shows how the financial health of his business is going. In addition, other outstanding features are the customization of categories and cost centers for classification of entries, integration with Sage NFe, integration with the accounting software Sage Office and Sage Gestão Contábil, and detailed Cash Book and Cash Flow reports.

“We are offering micro and small business owners the possibility of transforming their company's financial management in a simple and very accessible way. With Sage Financeira, he will have the autonomy to control all the financial transactions of his business in an agile, intuitive and cloud-based way, which makes it possible to access the solution at any time by simply having access to the internet", says Osvaldo Meneghel, product director at Sage Brazil.

“Currently, micro and small companies are great generators of income and employment in Brazil. They represent almost all national companies and are responsible for 27% of GDP and for more than half of formal jobs in the country. Sage Financeiro is here to help these heroes of the national economy to have control over the financial management of their businesses and thus be able to prosper”, he says.

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