
Company created the Sage Entrepreneur program and offers software at affordable prices
Expand the access of small and medium-sized companies to solutions that improve management, improve controls and integrate the different processes and sectors of the companies. These are some of the goals of Sage, a company that stands out in the software sector for small and medium-sized companies. However, these entrepreneurs do not always know the necessary steps to modernize their companies and think that the costs will be high. To help demystify this scenario, Sage has promoted a series of free webinars focused on this audience, which are part of the Sage Entrepreneur program. On this topic, the ABES Portal interviewed Sivonei Neneve, customer care of the Sage Pequenas Empresas line.
– What are the objectives of the Sage Entrepreneur program?
The main objective is to offer relevant content so that entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized business owners can improve their management.
– In your opinion, how has technology impacted the daily lives of medium and small companies?
Technology is a great enabler of professional management in small businesses, controlling flows and processes, so that the entrepreneur/entrepreneur can focus on the essence of their business and, consequently, achieve better results.
– What are the main challenges to be overcome for the adoption of these innovations by entrepreneurs?
Many still have the view that management systems are complicated and have a high cost. Fortunately, this is no longer the reality and, today, there are affordable and efficient options. SAGE, for example, in addition to offering free content relevant to entrepreneurs, has solutions with monthly fees starting at R$ 12.00 per month.
– What is the Electronic Consumer Invoice (NFC-e) and what is the timetable established by the government for implementing this system?
The consumer invoice came to replace the tax coupon and paper invoices, bringing more agility and savings to entrepreneurs. For consumers and for the Tax Authorities itself, the benefits are also many. Perhaps that is why the demand for NFC-e issuers has been so great in recent months, especially in states that already have a defined schedule. In Paraná, for example, several types of businesses have already had to adapt to the new legislation, such as gas stations, bars, snack bars and restaurants. Piauí, Alagoas, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul have also recently joined the issuance of NFCe, but the implementation schedule varies from state to state. For those looking for a solution for issuing this type of note, SAGE has an unlimited issuer for only R$ 12.00 monthly.
– What are the tips for those who are starting a business now, such as a restaurant or a store? What aspects of legislation and which technologies does this entrepreneur already need to foresee in his business plan?
Starting a business is a process that requires attention. Therefore, the first big tip is to study the market well and see if your idea has space. With your line of business well defined, it is essential to understand the taxation rules and what legislation is in force for your type of company. At this time, even though there is a lot of information on the internet, having the support of a good accounting professional can make a difference! A management system is also a good step towards a promising future. Fortunately, there are already options that fit any company's budget, allowing even small businesses to guarantee more efficient and professional management.
– What are the next webinars that will take place in the Sage Entrepreneur program?
Nowadays, everything changes very fast and we try to define the schedule of online events about a month in advance, working on the topics that are most relevant at the moment for entrepreneurs. In July, for example, we talked about the Electronic Consumer Invoice (NFCe). In August, we approached building a strong brand as we feel that business owners need to prepare to face growing competition. For September, the idea is to do something related to financial management, since most entrepreneurs are keeping an eye on the country's economic situation and intend to invest in cost reduction as a strategy to achieve better results.
– What are SAGE's main products aimed at SMEs?
In Brazil, the product line for micro and small companies covers the main areas of a business: issuance of invoices, financial control, inventory control and sales. We offer solutions with monthly fees and perpetual licenses at extremely affordable prices for small business owners.

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