
Entity announces results of monitoring conducted on the internet, in 2015

In 2015, ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) removed from the web, in all, 70.476 ads, links and websites with content that gave access to files that violate the Software Copyright of the entity's associates.

The association accounted for 35.745 links that have been removed for violating intellectual property rights, a result 7,3% higher than in 2014. They were also taken down 34.568 ads promoting pirated products, 89,1% more compared to the previous year, which registered 18,279.

In addition, the entity was responsible for taking down 163 websites that offered illegal software downloads, 154% more than in 2014, when the entity removed 64 pages.

The association continuously monitors the internet and notifies the portal itself and the access providers when it identifies content that violates the Copyright of Computer Programs.

"This action aims to protect both companies and consumers, who may be exposed to viruses and, consequently, to information theft, which can cause irreparable damage", comments Jorge Sukarie, president of ABES.

Once again, the entity had the support of PPPI - Intellectual Property Protection Program, from Mercado Livre, which promotes the removal of pirated products advertised within its portal. “Removal becomes more efficient with the work of the PPPI, which quickly evaluates each case and removes the illegal content reported in less than 24 hours,” says Sukarie.
Internet monitoring is part of ABES 'efforts to promote healthy competition in the economy. The entity also works with an anonymous whistleblowing portal against software piracy. Anyone can make a report on the website:

See the figures for the last few years below:

  • Graph showing the evolution of total websites, ads on auction sites and links removed from 2009 to 2015:


  • Graph with result of Internet monitoring in 2015:



About ABES
ABES, the Brazilian Association of Software Companies, is the most representative entity in the sector with around 1,600 associated or associated companies, distributed in 23 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, responsible for generating more than 120 thousand direct jobs and annual revenue US$ 20 billion per year.

The companies associated with ABES represent 85% of the turnover of the software development and commercialization segment in Brazil and 33% of the total turnover of the IT sector, equivalent in 2014 to US$ 60 billion of sales of software, IT services and hardware.

Since its foundation, on September 9, 1986, the entity has exercised the mission of sectorial representation in the legislative and tax areas, in proposing and guiding policies aimed at strengthening the value chain of the Brazilian Software and Services Industry - IBSS, in defense intellectual property and combating piracy of national or international software and in supporting initiatives to promote research, development, innovation and the development of national software. Access the ABES Portal - or talk to our Relationship Center: (11) 2161-2833.

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