
ABES research points out that 44% of the associates do not know enough about the existing resources


Research carried out by ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) points out that almost half, about 44% of the companies associated with the entity do not know enough about the sources for Innovation and Fostering available to the sector in the country. “This result clearly demonstrates that there is still a great need for disclosure by the entities managing these resources to encourage and attract companies to adopt these support instruments”, comments Jamile Sabatini Marques, director of Innovation and Fostering at ABES.
Despite the good results presented by the Brazilian software and services market, in 2012, which grew 26.7% - according to the study by the IDC (International Data Corporation) in partnership with ABES - 86% of the software companies associated with the entity are from Micro and Small companies. For this reason, innovation is considered a crucial point for this market to grow and develop.
During the months of August and September 2013, the entity carried out a survey among its associates across the country on Resources for Innovation and Promotion, with the aim of raising the perception of companies in the software and IT services sector about these business support mechanisms. 
The survey was answered by 312 companies, which correspond to approximately 32% of all members of the entity. Of the 174 companies that declared they were aware of this type of incentive, only 44 reported using or having used a credit line for innovation and promotion. That number represents just 14% of all companies interviewed.
On the other hand, on average, each of these 44 companies that have already benefited used an available resource more than once. “This demonstrates that interested companies realize the importance of these mechanisms and repeat the operation”, says Jamile.
Most used features among software companies
Among the solutions that the interviewees claim to have already used are those from Finep with 47% of beneficiaries; FAP (Research Support Funds), with 15%; BNDES, with 13%; CNPq, with 7%, BRD (Regional Development Banks), with 8% and Tax Incentive resources, with 4%.
The lack of knowledge about these incentive sources was the main reason given by 56% of the companies that stated that they had never benefited. As a second reason, companies mentioned that they tried to get support, but were unsuccessful. Thirdly, they pointed out how the item “others”, which fit into the following reasons: they use their own resources; bureaucracy; inconsistent warranties; lengthy process; lack of information from line managers and lack of internal staff.
The survey also assessed the reasons why companies tried to access benefits and failed. The first three causes identified were Rejected Process, Lack of Guidance and Complex Process, adding up to 54% of the indications.
“If we compare these results with the responses of companies that have never tried to access these types of incentives, we notice a coincidence in the reasons cited such as Bureaucracy, Complex Process, Lack of information, Lack of guarantees, and Lack of internal team”, comments Jamile.
Priority: Research and Development
Regarding the application of benefits, 76% of the companies interviewed mentioned “Research and Development” as the main destination of these incentives, which means a strong indication that companies seek innovation to achieve growth. 44% of respondents seek support for marketing their products with applications in Marketing, Sales and participation in fairs. Already 25% of the companies showed interest in the application in activities for internationalization and export.
76% of those surveyed indicated the BNDES' available credit lines for Innovation and Fostering as the ones they are most interested in learning about and keeping up-to-date. Finep and Sebrae were in second and third place, with 65% and 45%, respectively.
Companies also pointed to financial resources (including capital, infrastructure and machinery and equipment) as the main component for innovation in their businesses, with 47% of responses.
“We concluded with this consultation that companies see investments in Research and Development as a priority, which can serve as an incentive for the managing entities of these sources of funds to get closer and closer to this sector so that both can benefit from the opportunities that the market presents. of Software can generate”, concludes Jamile.

To learn about all the results of the ABES Resources for Innovation and Development Survey, access here.

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